L4D Graphics Good


Jul 26, 2008
Reaction score
Rather than add to the endless list of threads talking about what they dont like in L4D, i wanted to get some opinions on the graphics, level design, art style, you know the visual look.

I personally am in love with the way the game looks. Now, every part of the valve team does the job just as well, but the art-direction in all of their games seem incredible. I was playing through the small town part of death toll and i thought how generic and typical it looks for a zombie horror setting, which is fantastic. The city areas also have that same feel and the forrests are pretty dense and well designed.

Regaurding the graphics themselves, i am still impressed with what soruce is capable of doing. I know a lot of people, including myself, were skeptical as to whether Valve could get away with updating source so it stays at a moderate level of graphics by todays standards. But in the last few months they must have worked their asses off, because the graphics are great. I run at full settings, and everything is super sharp and there isnt a single rough or pixilated edge. If you look at screen shots of the left 4 dead they showed 10 months ago and compare it to the release, you would see what a job they did.

What do you guys think of the visuals?
I used to play it on minimum settings, and still lagged a lot.

Now I have my new PC, and holy hell I've missed out on a lot. The game is beautiful for the horror setting, and the blood and gore are well-done. I'm still surprised that the HL2 I saw with the original source coding could be beefed up to the horrifically visual masterpiece L4D is.

Maybe I'm just being amazed by the new level of detail I can see without lag, but that's just me.
Source engine has a unique graphic style that I like much more than other modern demanding engines. Plus, it's superfast and smooth.
speaking of graphics, is there a tweak to increase the texture res ? More details ?
Source engine has a unique graphic style that I like much more than other modern demanding engines. Plus, it's superfast and smooth.

Took the words right outta my mouth.

Gorgon, not that I know of, but if you find anything spread the knowledge.
TRS took out most useful commands including graphic commands.

For example mat_picmip(texture quality setting) is still present in engine and used by game but we can't use it...