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  1. T

    Plea to people who are preloading HL2, and not buying the game...

    Well, I'm downloading because then I don't have to install a gay german version that I have to buy in germany. That's also the reason why I don't buy many games, I just hate playing them in any other language than english. I also can't get one from the UK, since I don't have a credit card, so...
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    Knife addiction (Gabe)

    My god, those knives are EXPENSIVE!
  3. T

    CS Source vs AAO

    CS:S is more about fun, not so much about realism.
  4. T

    Lamest Enemy in Doom 3 (spoilers)

    I HATE the mutated Commandos with the miniguns... they take like 3 shotgun hits.
  5. T

    Help! (In Hell)

    OH!!! No wonder... I kept shooting him, and not the sphere. I shot him at him with like 30 rockets... Ok, I'll go try it. EDIT: Alright, that worked. My god he sucks so much, I was expecting it to be harder... He didnt even damage me...
  6. T

    Help! (In Hell)

    I've gotten all the way to Hell without any problems, but now I'm at the part where you have to kill the guardian. So, first I shoot all 3 seekers, and then the guardian, but he just doesn't want to die... I ran out of ammo so I'm pretty much stumped as I don't know what I've been doing wrong...
  7. T

    some doom 3 pics...

    Thought I might add some too:
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    Ultimate physics engine idea.

    Sure, but those games didnt have a Manipulator to mess around with the physics, did they?
  9. T

    We Are Now In Single Digits Until Hl2 Is Bug Free!!!!

    1 day until my 17th Birthday! Thats pretty wierd. :rolling:
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    which game would you pick?

    Half-Life 2, duh.
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    what the hell is this?

    i shouldve taken a screenshot, doubt it will ever be pink again...
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    what the hell is this?

    its back to normal now :|
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    what the hell is this?

    YAY i can read the topic names again!! :dork:
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    what the hell is this?

    is it valentines day or something... forgot when that was...
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    what the hell is this?

    its so hard to read...
  16. T

    HL2 traptown "pre"-make :P

    I think you should replace the trigger_hurts with clip brushes.
  17. T

    What is your 9800 pro OC'ed to?

    my 9800 np is at 405 / 335
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    Heres something to try if u have GTA: Vice City or GTA 3 Play the game for a while WITHOUT framelimiter on. Framelimiter limits it to 30 fps. Now try it WITH framelimiter on. You WILL notice a difference.
  19. T

    OC a Dell 4600 (P4 2.4B)

    I OC the Radeon 9800 in it. It worked fine. Right now its at 382.50 Core and 333.00 Mem. Then I installed the Catalyst 3.6, and now it thinks I have a 9800 PRO! O_o
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    OC a Dell 4600 (P4 2.4B)

    I have one that isnt supported... I tried this a while ago. Isnt there another way?