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  1. Shuzer

    My issues with the staff of

    All I have to say is, the Bush thread clearly deserved to be closed. It served no purpose. You opened with a flamebait statement. There was nothing to add, except the droves of "LOLZ BUSH SUXOR" by all the Democrats here. Then, a republican would jump in to defend, would be flamed to hell and...
  2. Shuzer

    Half-Life 1 Remake in Doom3

    Let's hope VALVe doesn't pull a Blizzard on them. Honestly, a free mod can't hurt much.. I don't know of ANYONE who wants to buy HL:S alone; just HL2. I'll be very disappointed in VALVe if they do that.
  3. Shuzer

    Guild Wars...better than WoW?

    Raid groups are already in. Raid instances are not! Onyxia will be a level 60 raid instance.. chances are, you'll need a CRAPLOAD of level 60s to take it down.
  4. Shuzer

    Guild Wars...better than WoW?

    And Ordinn sayeth! Bottom of the page
  5. Shuzer

    "everybody have to love sometimes.." - what's the name of the song?

    Married with Children theme, anybody?
  6. Shuzer

    Guild Wars...better than WoW?

    Suicide, don't delude yourself. Hero classes, racial traits, PvP arenas, guild housing/housing, weather effects.. all are NOT going make it in by release. Blizzard intends to get the game out before the end of the year. We'll see a crapload of changes come next patch (and, as you said...
  7. Shuzer

    Team Fortress 2

    You played Team Fortress, or Team Fortress Classic? There's a difference :P
  8. Shuzer

    Bush: Crazed Arsonist?

    Congratulations! You win the troll award of the day. I present you with the "I hope you get banned for creating such a useless, flamebait oriented topic that serves no useful purpose" prize.
  9. Shuzer

    Goodbye, postcounts!

    You left! What're you doing here!? :O
  10. Shuzer

    Goodbye, postcounts!

    Oh well. Not a big deal in the end.. "Members > (Sort by) Posts" still works :P
  11. Shuzer

    DS Commercials

    LOL I'd love to touch her.. er.. it.. er.. er.. er.. :o :o :o
  12. Shuzer

    Found new HLSource pic!!!

    Guess what? HL:S = direct HL port, with physics, shaders, and shadows. No improvements on environments and models.. SORRY!
  13. Shuzer

    Am I weird?

    Drop all games for WoW when it comes out, and you're okay in my book :thumbs:
  14. Shuzer

    Goodbye, postcounts!

    ;( We'll miss you! lol
  15. Shuzer

    Official Site Finally Updated

    Eternal pessimist to the end, cadaveca?
  16. Shuzer

    What will I be missing in Doom 3?

    WHY would you drag up a thread that's 3+ months old to make a useless comment that's already been stated in threads since this? Also, why do this for your FIRST post? It boggles the mind. Haha. The joke is on you. Doom 3 is an OpenGL game. It's primarily DX8, with very very few DX9 instructions.
  17. Shuzer

    Has Valve made a Gordon model?

    Because VALVe has stated so atleast a dozen times. You will NOT see Gordon through reflections or cameras of any sort. Taking it a step further, you can't even see Gordon's arms/hands while driving the buggy. I agree. There will be a Gordon model, that can be seen in third person.
  18. Shuzer

    Has Valve made a Gordon model?

    You can NOT see yourself in HL2. The only possible way for you to see yourself will to be going into third person.
  19. Shuzer

    Has Valve made a Gordon model?

    You could see Gordon in third person in HL1. You are horribly wrong.
  20. Shuzer

    the piture thingy in upper corner

    ............ :rolling: