Heh, I was just kidding. I'm not a die hard fan or anything (I don't even own it), I just wanted to straighten you out on the happenings of the original, and I wanted to use wanker because the oppurtunity comes up rarely in real life. No hard feelings.
Top get back to GITS, despite what...
Cram it wanker. "Blondie" was the coolest character in my opinion, and if you watched the first to the end you'd know that the 'invisible naked bitch' was put into a new body, so no dice.
I bet Valve won't say anything until E3, and then we'll have different questions and uncertanties...over and over until the game is released. But who knows if it'll be good.
This is a new trailer for the sequel to Ghost in the Shell, its all in Japanese and the song playing in th ebackground is pretty bad, but this is the best animation I've ever seen.
Woah, thats pretty awesome considering its less than 1mb. Is this one of those games that uses mathematics to create textures on the fly? I like the graphics in the demo, but the gameplay is lacking...to say the least.
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2004 8:47 AM
To: Rick Ellis
Subject: A query, kind sir.
Here are a bunch of questions about the upcoming SDK.
Lets say I'm making a mod based on knights and what-not. Lets say I shoot a man with a cross bow whie he's riding a horse. How simple would it be...
Well there you go! Ukraine is even more obscure when it comes to development. But not for long, the newest Computer Gaming World says that STALKER will easily be the most revolutionary FPS this year....but no one knows if it will be the best until it comes out.
Hey Apos, does your name stand for 'a piece of shit'?
To stay on track, if the benchmark Gabe had 1/2 year ago stilll hold up, most of these 64-bit 12.3Gigamahertz 3 teraflop RAM computers are way more than you'll ever need.
I'm sure Gabe is capable of doing everything he's promised...I just don't understand why 12 guys in a basement in Serbia can do it in 1/4 the time (STALKER). And they don't lie about what they show.
...of course neither is out yet, and I admit I don't know who is making Stalker or if the...