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  1. RabidMeatloaf

    Some buildings who reminds me HL2

    What's wrong with imageshack?
  2. RabidMeatloaf

    POST YOUR PICS (v. June 19, 2006)

    Here's me: Braces come off in a few more weeks, thank God.
  3. RabidMeatloaf

    Iraq War Showdown On Hill -- Pullout Vote Set For 7pm

    I completely agree. Pulling out the troops now would be utterly disastrous for Iraq. It would also mean 2,079 (last count I heard) soldiers have died in vain. That is not acceptable to me. :|
  4. RabidMeatloaf

    Do you believe in the Death Penalty?

    Yes. I do. Go me!
  5. RabidMeatloaf

    Sweet site

    It found the Doors, Extreme, and Floyd for me. Haven't tried the others.
  6. RabidMeatloaf

    Sweet site

    Nice. Thanks for the link. :thumbs:
  7. RabidMeatloaf

    Idaho becomes second worst state after Kansas

    I live in Idaho and I haven't even SEEN the movie. Meh.
  8. RabidMeatloaf

    NOLA Beer looter gets his own commercial

    LMAO that was f**king awesome. :laugh: Good way to end the night.
  9. RabidMeatloaf

    My Farwell Thread

    ^^What he said.
  10. RabidMeatloaf

    Your home page

    1. MSNBC 2. News ftw!
  11. RabidMeatloaf

    Whoever said ..

    I'm waiting for the sequel to this thread called, "She Gave Me Herpes!??!"
  12. RabidMeatloaf

    i know god

    Lol @ the stoplight pic.
  13. RabidMeatloaf

    i know god

    I know God too. He's a dick.
  14. RabidMeatloaf guestmap

    Added mine...woot
  15. RabidMeatloaf

    Is there a god?

    God? Pssh. Hell naw!
  16. RabidMeatloaf

    Missouri Tracks people with cellphones

    Words to live by :afro:
  17. RabidMeatloaf

    Rosa Parks Dead

    Same. 2char!!
  18. RabidMeatloaf

    I Have Found the CptStern Moblie

    Oh. My. God. This has to be the best thread ever. :laugh: :laugh: *bookmarks*
  19. RabidMeatloaf

    HL2.NET Myspace Directory Meh.