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  1. RabidMeatloaf

    How big is your Valve folder?

    14.5 GB for me.
  2. RabidMeatloaf

    What's better, HL2 or Halo 2, or Doom 3?

    They all suck! Tetris is cearly the best game evar!!! My vote goes to Half-Life 2. Doom 3 was bland and boring, and I haven't played Halo 2 yet.
  3. RabidMeatloaf

    Instant Messanger

    ///bandwagon/// MSN [///bandwagon/// I've mostly used AIM, so I have to go with that one. MSN is good too, though.
  4. RabidMeatloaf

    Do you drink milk?

    I used to drink Milk a lot, but now I mostly drink soft drinks or orange juice. I had four glasses of milk with some burritos for breakfast today, though.
  5. RabidMeatloaf

    What is the most amazing thing that has ever happened in your life?

    I passed out during a Cross Country race once. That was "amazing". Oh and ///bandwagon/// My birth.
  6. RabidMeatloaf

    How Do You Think We Will Defeat Terrorism?

    We will defeat terrorism using a big, pointy stick with turbo spatula attachments!!! In reality, I believe that the only way we can "defeat" terror is to radically change our foreign policy and work together with the U.N. to spread literacy, health and a better standard of living thoughout...
  7. RabidMeatloaf

    Two words to describe girls

    Shallow (as we all are), cute.
  8. RabidMeatloaf

    Das Roboss is very good!!

    I can't seem to download it. Server keeps crapping out 22-40 percent into downloading. Pity :(
  9. RabidMeatloaf

    Most anticipated games of 2005

    Brothers in Arms. and.. blah?
  10. RabidMeatloaf

    Big Fortress Forever Update

    This seriously...gonna rox a lot of sox off.
  11. RabidMeatloaf

    Everyooone elese has had more sex then me!

    Technically..I am... Woot.
  12. RabidMeatloaf

    i've had more sex than you

    I've seen that flash! Not a bad song, actually.
  13. RabidMeatloaf

    Fortress Forever Update

    Fanstastic! Like the 1st one especially.
  14. RabidMeatloaf

    need help, this is retarded.

    Well at least you didn't come in here going "OMG! WTF! HALFLIFE 2 SUXXORS MY ROBOT!"
  15. RabidMeatloaf

    Heart of the Revolters Released

    First two pictures look like Xs to me. Nice looking map though. Edit: Nevermind, just had to refresh.
  16. RabidMeatloaf

    Hi Everyone's not safter here. :P If you hear someone say "CP!" that means the capital letter police are coming to get you.
  17. RabidMeatloaf

    Fortress Forever : A Team Fortress Conversion

    Good stuff. Best of luck to the mod team. :)
  18. RabidMeatloaf


    Dating threads go in off do suicide threads....
  19. RabidMeatloaf

    Steam Update

    This patch does nothing for me. Figures. Maybe by the time Half-Life 4 comes out they'll fix the suttering issue.
  20. RabidMeatloaf

    "Interesting Poses" - The Official Thread for Garrys Mod Screenshots / Movies / etc.

    I made a mini story with a few of my shots: WTF? Watch out! Woops... Sorry for the mega bump.