How big is your Valve folder?

9.9GB and about 500MB of that is screen shots.
9.65 GB, screenshots are in different map and I just cleaned up all the third party mods that I wasn't playing (+/- 2 GB)
Actually I dont know, but I have HL videos, documents, images at 5 CDs...
just over 10gb, about 120mb in screenshots
About the size of a baked potato.

Or 6.26 Gig.
I don't have a Valve map, but my Steam map is 8.76 GM, and the videos etc is 2.25 GB. So taotally: 11.01 GB
Around 50 gigs. It's huge.

No wimpy screenshots.
15 GB + Videos (1 GB) + Exported screens (about 1GB no kidding) = 17GB!

Mêh, not bad...
Was around 11+ gigs, cleaned it up a few hours ago, down to 6gigs. :)
0 doesn't exist :p

As far as e-penises go...I'm not vain enough to measure...but it does require a small boy to hold it.
Steam: 11.3 giggers & 12,432 files
Half Life: .7 mcgiggets & 1,390 files
Vids etc: 1.97 giggedygiggeroos & uh...17 files
Totelle(thats French for total stupid): 13.97 gigs & 13,839 files

And to anyone who has over 100 gigs of valve stuff, YOURE LYING! YUO NOT ALLOWED TO TALK!

/me is tired and goes to bed
11.2 gigs.
Nothing in screenshots really..

13,819 files.
1,121 folders.
Funky Munky said:
Mine is just over 7GB. :afro:

Well on my 19" LCD moniter with "detail" view of folders, mine is 4.5mm X 3.8mm exactly.

Funky Munky said:
Diluted and Slain Child how are they so big?
It's where I keep all my pr0n. Nobody is going to look in there now are they? :upstare: