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  1. C

    Interesting HL2 Facts I didn't know...

    I meant that since he had gray hair in the original game, he seems to be close to the same age in the second game. Although some people go partly gray by 18, so I guess it could have been 30 years or more.
  2. C

    Interesting HL2 Facts I didn't know...

    I've been involved in plenty of discussions here about the amount of time between the first game and the second game. But we were all just speculating on what we think could be the amount of time. As far as I knew from our discussions, we figured it was a couple of years or so between games...
  3. C

    Interesting HL2 Facts I didn't know...

    Here are some things from the "Everything we know about HL2" article on IGN that I hadn't heard before: 1. Headcrab varieties: I saw the normal looking headcrabs in the videos... did anyone else see the "big and heavy" version in any screenshots or movies? Or how about the flying ones...
  4. C

    Official HL2 site coming soon..

    Yeah, seriously. How is this "official" ? some dude photoshops a picture, and munro posts it as a new story about how the official Half-Life2 website is going live??? Munro, can you please clarify?
  5. C

    CNNMoney: new HL2 release date!

    To you people who say we can just play far cry till hl2.. oops... looks like we might be waiting months/years/never to see far cry: It seems that they have developed the game with 1miliion euro worth of stolen software. They may never get...
  6. C

    CNNMoney: new HL2 release date!

    we got Call of Duty, and Halo PC last fall. Both of those single player games were awesome. (I never touched the xbox halo, so it was all new to me). But their multiplayer components were pretty weak. Right now, the only games I play online are RtCW: ET, and Halo. But they're getting...
  7. C

    After the Half Life franchise>>

    uhh.. well... Team Fortress was original when it was made for Quake 1 engine. But TFC (are u referring to TFC when you say TF, because TFC is fun too) wasn't really original. I hope they go the serial route. Release small (like 3 maps) expansions for HL2 for $10 over steam. They could make...
  8. C

    CNNMoney: new HL2 release date!

    I'm complaining about the fact that Valve is completely ignoring us. And we wouldn't have this release date if someone important (the cnn dude) hadn't asked. One CNN Dude > Entire HL2 community. Thanks :P
  9. C

    CNNMoney: new HL2 release date!

    Here's the part that pisses me off... BIG TIME. We totally see where we stand with Valve. We ask about releases, updates, etc. NOTHING. NADA. **** OFF FANS. But then some idiot out of nowhere from teh b!g CNN Money website asks Valve about it, and Valve can't wait to tell this guy...
  10. C

    CNNMoney: new HL2 release date!

    Well... valve also stated that they were shooting for a holiday release. So shooting for a summer release doesn't really make me feel any better. I'm sticking with Sept 30th, 2004. However, like everyone said above, at least we'll get some new HL2 at E3. I mean, they wouldn't reshow the...
  11. C

    Half-Life 2 and E3 2004

    One of the rumors floating around about TF2 though, is that it's now set in a somewhat futuristic setting. I really really hope that one's not true.
  12. C

    Half-Life 2 and E3 2004

    owned. Alright Chris_D. I'll write down a note to not question you again. Do you think we'll see a glimpse of TF2 in 2004? That "TF2 is sort of an open issue for us" sounds like the game is on a backburner.... turned off. At this point, I guess even E3 2005 would be good.
  13. C

    Half-Life 2 and E3 2004

    You mentioned Team Fortress 2 a couple of times up there.... Weren't you around when that happened? It only gets worse and worse from here on out. I mean, it's total deja vu. I was a chipper little fanboy (well, 23) back when Team Fortress 2 took E3 by storm, but then delay, delay, disappear...
  14. C

    Half-Life 2 and E3 2004

    However, I've been banking on Spet 30th 2004 for a while now. I'm just saying your reply doesn't prove anything.
  15. C

    Half-Life 2 and E3 2004

    Uh, just because valve is going to e3 doesn't mean they're showing half life 2. They could just show counterstrike: CZ again. Or maybe even show TF2 or CS2. Once again, the community is jumping to conclusions.
  16. C

    EA Developer speculates on Half-Life 2 delay

    Ok, my mistake. Water properly displaces in MOH: PA. Half-Life 2 does not. Unreal 2 does not.
  17. C

    EA Developer speculates on Half-Life 2 delay

    oh, and the obviously less talented MOH team (sarcasm) has got physically simulated water in their engine. Valve does not.
  18. C

    EA Developer speculates on Half-Life 2 delay

    mrchimp, i agree with you that ea puts out a lot of garbage. But I don't think that's the case here. The quality of this title is amazing. And yes, I'll say it again, I don't think HL2's facial technology is as good as Pacific Assault. Plus, haven't they been working on this new...
  19. C

    EA Developer speculates on Half-Life 2 delay

    I agree with you completely. I couldn't understand why the MOH series got such rave reviews, when it was such a crappy game(s). However, Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault is an all new game on an all new engine, that rivals HL2. Go check it out.
  20. C

    EA Developer speculates on Half-Life 2 delay

    Goddamnit Badger, the whole general discussion is speculation, the damn game's not out, but you have to move my thread? Bah! (that was pretty quick though.. cheers)