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  1. NeoNight

    Caliber Mod, still alive

    yeah, this mod doesn't really seem like dystopia at all.
  2. NeoNight

    Using the Wiimote to Play Half Life 2

    yeah and the fact that you can hear someone laughing in the background makes the video a bit more suspicious. You could fake the video with a wireless keyboard and mouse easy. on the other hand if they can get the wii-mote to act as a mouse/pointer and the analog part of the nun-chuck to...
  3. NeoNight

    Natural Selection 2 'Dynamic Infestation'

    oh thats cool just like in starcraft how the area around zerg bases become corrupted.
  4. NeoNight

    Left 4 Dead announced - Valve does zombies!

    Gotta admit it. I am interested in this.
  5. NeoNight

    Episode 2, TF2 & Portal - Expected Summer 2007

    I wonder if the delay is because of the dual core support they are adding.
  6. NeoNight

    Natural Selection 2 Announced

    Those bastards how dare they sleep! How dare they do any normal needed by their bodies! In any case great news! can't wait to see what the NS team comes up with.
  7. NeoNight

    The Future of Source - Article

    so am guessing you won't see much of a performance gain on a dual core system? ;_;
  8. NeoNight

    SMOD: Tactical Delta 3 Released

    the only thing I don't like so far is how the kick is sooooo weak. How the hell can you stab so hard but kick so lightly?!?!?
  9. NeoNight

    SMOD: Tactical Delta 3 Released

    yeah, I have to admit I didn't expect much at first but after playing.... um this mod is actually pretty good. :cheers:
  10. NeoNight

    Activision and Valve Partner Up

    ohh nice. Well maybe ill actually go ahead and finish gun if it comes over to PC.
  11. NeoNight

    Firefox 2.0 RC2

    omg they finally added that in! ill be getting it on release!
  12. NeoNight

    Computer Exploding!

    lol same here google ftw! :bounce: which reminds me of another problem that my cousin is actually having.
  13. NeoNight

    Eternal Silence mod released

    either put a check in the box for invert or switch the roll and yaw or pitch or whatever.
  14. NeoNight

    Counter-Strike: Source Market - Weapon Pricing

    i bet someones making a script for that right now.
  15. NeoNight

    Counter-Strike: Source Market - Weapon Pricing

    Thats pretty trippy who knows the 5/7 could end up costing 57 dollars!weapons like the AWp could end up costing 16000 >:-) lol
  16. NeoNight

    Psychonauts Coming to Steam

    Yeah they were actually pretty good and pretty damn violent too. They didn't hold back to much on the dismemberment.
  17. NeoNight

    Eternal Silence nears release

    Man am glad to hear its almost done. I remember reading about ES a few years back before hl2's release. Now its almost show time! can't wait!
  18. NeoNight

    Vote in the Golden Joystick awards

    yeah ya know. I almost had no clue what to vote for excpet for a few choices
  19. NeoNight

    Counter-Strike: Source Update

    lol yeah ever since that I had named myself !
  20. NeoNight

    Small CS: Source update

    erm ...... so then you'll have an even better view over the box?.... :devil: :naughty: