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  1. RhapSidious

    PC Gameplay score 90% vs FarCry 93%?!?

    Uh, no... it came from here... Although the score isn't confirmed, this is a major European HL fansite, and the information is probably true. BTW where did you see this on
  2. RhapSidious

    PC Gameplay score 90% vs FarCry 93%?!?

    Classic. :naughty:
  3. RhapSidious

    PC Gameplay score 90% vs FarCry 93%?!?

    Here is a better translation... (without the whole "egg merchant" thing.) UPDATE: Now also the evaluation from the Dutch PC Gameplay is known. Here Half Life 2 received "only" 90% (to the comparison: Doom3 received 86%, FarCry got whole 93%). As point of negative the missing Multiplayer is...
  4. RhapSidious

    PC Gameplay score 90% vs FarCry 93%?!?

    Yeah what do those stupid egg merchants know anyways! :hmph:
  5. RhapSidious

    PC Gameplay score 90% vs FarCry 93%?!?

    Although I feel that 90% is way TOO low a score for HL2, a simple score is too little data to judge from unless you know all of the reviewer's criteria and methods... However because I can compair that score against those of FC and D3, it seems way out of line for the quality of story...
  6. RhapSidious

    PC Gameplay score 90% vs FarCry 93%?!?

    Sorry if this has been posted, but I checked and didn't see anything so don't flame... This info is from an German fansite article describing the PC Gamer review... on a side note it had this attached... I used an online translator from German to English, so this isn't perfect... UPDATE...
  7. RhapSidious

    Phase 5 Preloading now!

    LOL! :eek:
  8. RhapSidious

    Now what all you retail, case and manual fanbois?

    Steam for me, probably the 'silver' package. I'd rather see Gabe and co. get my money than greedy VU. I live in Los Angeles... Today, as I was driving home from work, I noticed that there is a VU building right next to the 405 freeway. I drive this way to and from work 5 times a week and...
  9. RhapSidious

    The game HAS to go gold next week

    Lol... greed is universial equalizer. I for one am buying CS:S (as part of the HL-2 package) through Steam the second it's made available (hopefully early next week.) Vivendi can keep their stinking boxes as far as I'm concerned. I've got two hard-drives in my rig and I simply make a...
  10. RhapSidious

    Were you right or wrong about multiplayer?

    Dido. I can live with CS:S tho.
  11. RhapSidious

    half life 2 was to be the greatest game....

    Well you're got the corporate suicide part right. but VU doesn't care about being 'hated' by the public. They know all the fanboys who are 'hating' them will buy the game the momment it's released (even if it's 6 months from now :frown: ) The reason it would hurt them to hold off is that the...
  12. RhapSidious

    How do you interpret the word "Combine"?

    That's pretty much what I thought since I heard about & saw them. Breen's dialogue in the binks sort of supports this as well (ie the lack of procreation might be because they want to replace the human race with the combine race (mixture of human and alien) and are phasing out the human...
  13. RhapSidious

    6 Month ?

    Yeah, but to come this close just for another delay is just plain cruel at this point. If VU delays the game for another 6 months, that'll be a year and a half from the original September 30, 2003 date. I just hope that they release it by Thanksgiving... Spring 2005 would be too much...
  14. RhapSidious

    6 Month ?

    My worst fears have been confirmed... It's last year all over again!
  15. RhapSidious

    6 Month ?

    LOL. If it ain't in our hands by Novemeber at the VERY latest...
  16. RhapSidious

    CS:S update = rc bugs?

    Well Chris has a point... but any of these theories could be right. I'd just like to hear a gold announcement and a SOLID release date from VU.
  17. RhapSidious

    Half-Life 2: PHP

    Well that was fun... every option gets you killed. Maybe this is part of the 3rd test.
  18. RhapSidious

    PC gamer review prediciotns

    It BETTER beat Doom 3's score or I will lose all faith in PC Gamer. I haven't had the urge to play Doom 3 since beat it... HL2, CS & HL (on Source) will occupy the majority of my designated gaming time for years to come... I recently played HL all the way to the end (for the 5th...
  19. RhapSidious

    PC gamer review prediciotns

    98% is my guess.
  20. RhapSidious

    Lawsuit delay

    While I agree with you, I remember reading something about a hearing on October 8th which will decide whether or not Valve can sell HL-2 over Steam w/ regard to the language of their 2001 agreement. I highly doubt the release will be by Sept. 30th now. It might be late October because of...