Lawsuit delay



do you think the lawsuit could be the form of the delay. this also just goes to show that we really cant speculate about VALVe and what there doing. But after this lawsuit is over and valve wins wouldent VU be quite willing to drop VALVe once HL2 is done? and if VU wins, wont VU (tell me if i understood this wrong) own HL and that means that HL2 and HL3 are copywright infringments? thats if they are not also trying to win those too and that would means HL2 and 3 will have to change names? :O

whats your opinian
No it won't be delayed, we can stop talking about this, its not even any of our business.
UndercoverBob said:
But after this lawsuit is over and valve wins wouldent VU be quite willing to drop VALVe once HL2 is done?

And risk losing HL3? I don't think so.. And what you said about VU owning the HL universe/content etc.. I have no idea, you'd have to ask Icarus on that matter...
DiSTuRbEd said:
No it won't be delayed, we can stop talking about this, its not even any of our business.
are you out of your mind? the lawsuit is huge news, and is very important to half-life's eventual release. if that's not a good topic of conversation, then what's the point of this board?
im not talking about it being delayed im talking about how its been delayed. they said the lawsuit has been on for a year or sumtin

disturbed you hate me dont you or are you just cynical
epmode said:
the lawsuit is huge news, and is very important to half-life's eventual release. if that's not a good topic of conversation, then what's the point of this board?

How is this lawsuit dealing with hl2's release? I really don't see how this works. Cause the game WILL be shipped after gold and produced, this won't happen 2 months later, it will happen end of september beginning october.
i NOOOWWWW i just mean another factor in why it took so long
DiSTuRbEd said:
How is this lawsuit dealing with hl2's release? I really don't see how this works. Cause the game WILL be shipped after gold and produced, this won't happen 2 months later, it will happen end of september beginning october.
you read the article, correct? among other things, vivendi has serious issues with how the game's royalties will be paid now that steam is a viable distribution channel. the lawsuit deals with this. sounds to me that there's a chance, however remote, that the suit can affect the release. we'll just have to wait and see.
VU still wants Valve. It is just a troubled relationship, they need to go into martial counseling. :D

If Vivendi did win the IP rights to HL, they still want Valve to make HL3. After all, Valve has the talent to create the video games. I don't think Vivendi would trust putting the HL IP into the hands of a unexperienced developer.
epmode said:
you read the article, correct? among other things, vivendi has serious issues with how the royalties with the game will be paid now that steam is a viable distribution channel. the lawsuit deals with this. sounds to me that there's a chance, however remote, that the suit can affect the release. we'll just have to wait and see.

Yes I've read it, but I've also seen with my 2 eyes the ammount of debt VUG is in. Why you think they sold off the entertainment section to NBC???
Vivindi is SERIOUSLY hurting for money; since the lawsuit is about utilizing Steam, not retail sales; it's in BOTH Valve's and Vivindi's best interest for HL2 to be on store shelves ASAP. Especially since it looks like World of WarCraft may slip into 2005, Vivindi needs a big seller PRONTO.
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With Doug Lombardi even saying that a release date is coming soon, we have to assume that the game wont be delayed on account of the lawsuit. We have not heard statements from either party, so we do not know the entire story. We do know, however, that both parties want the game to be released.
ya but this lawsuit has been going on for a long time they may hate eachother alot but then again there adults unlike us who yell at each other
UndercoverBob said:
ya but this lawsuit has been going on for a long time they may hate eachother alot but then again there adults unlike us who yell at each other

Adults don't yell at each other? Have you seen the House of Commons?

It's interesting to note that one of Valve's issues is that Vivendi delayed Condition Zero until after the Holiday season. It's unlikely that Vivendi would delay Half-Life 2 because of this Court Case. I mean, Valve can just say "look, they are doing it again".
Stereo said:
With Doug Lombardi even saying that a release date is coming soon, we have to assume that the game wont be delayed on account of the lawsuit. We have not heard statements from either party, so we do not know the entire story. We do know, however, that both parties want the game to be released.

Hehehe so true :)
i have to leave to my house from my grandmas i will me playing DOOM3 for along time so see you tomorrow
i have to leave to my house from my grandmas i will me playing DOOM3 for along time so see you tomorrow

oh really? :|

i have to go and play some arcade-games with my co-designers and then have a coke...

Now, this lawsuit is not going to delay HL2... it may delay HL3... but not Hl2...
IMO, it SHOULDN'T delay the game, but may do.

ValvE as well, we all know made absolutley F***k loads of cash on HL and HL related stuff... i mean...cmon. As we have been told, they have pumped all of this money back in to the development of source and hl2 etc..... so theyre going to be a little strapped for cash aswell! Vivendi on the othe hand, may have a small financial situation, but is also backed by Universal..... lots of cash there as wel all know, so could quite easily fight for the right to PARTY!! with the Itellectual rights to the HL world. :cat:

Concerning the release date, Vivendi COULD say now "eh!! calm down MAAAATE!! we aint gonna print this if u dont back down"....but with the opertunity of all the sales this game would bring, and the fact, valve could still make a killing by pushing it JUST through steam...i think they wouldnt, but i think its a case of lets wait and see!! :cheese:
*sigh* I would've be much happier if I hadn't found out about this lawsuit bullsh*t. I'm not a patient man, and if (note: _IF_) the finished HL2 gets delayed _AGAIN_, because of legal reasons after going gold, I'll gonna be very unhappy. And sad.
It won't be delayed simply because Valve have already sent over an RC to Vivendi. If Valve would have decided to use HL2 as amunition in the legal battle they would'nt have turned over the RC, because Vivendi then would have the 'upper hand' since they now are in position to decide wether to release it or not. Valve has done their job (if the RC's approved) and all is now up to Vivendi. (Wich could actually use HL2 to twist Valves balls...
But I guess they've already signed a contract of somekind between them so that this stuff won't happen;)) At least I would, if I were Gabe...
This is the point of the Lawsuit lol

Vivendi tried to control the Beast that is the ValvE over Cs:CZ....and now is fealing the wrath... i dont think they wil try again lol
Hate to break it to you guys, but lawsuits between game companies and their publishers happen all the time. Nothing new and I seriously doubt it will affect the release. Even if Vivendi does break off from publishing HL2 (which is a very small chance) their is hundreds of other publishers that will publish HL2 in a heartbeat.
Dsty2001 said:
Hate to break it to you guys, but lawsuits between game companies and their publishers happen all the time. Nothing new and I seriously doubt it will affect the release. Even if Vivendi does break off from publishing HL2 (which is a very small chance) their is hundreds of other publishers that will publish HL2 in a heartbeat.

While I agree with you, I remember reading something about a hearing on October 8th which will decide whether or not Valve can sell HL-2 over Steam w/ regard to the language of their 2001 agreement.

I highly doubt the release will be by Sept. 30th now. It might be late October because of this suit. I hope this isn't the case, but I doubt VU will do anything before the 8th of October. If the judge sides with VU on the 8th, then the only way to buy HL-2 will be retail which means buku money for VU.

From a business point-of-view this is the only option for VU. Why would they want to give up the chance of being the SOLE distributor for HL-2?
buku money? were do i get me some 'dat buku money?

HL2 retail will mean beaucoup buku money for VUG...
Vivendi wants HL2 to be released as much as Valve does, if not, more, because they are desperate for money. It's not like Steam is gonna be shut down tomorrow (or probably ever).


Also, with Vivendi being such a huge company, the legal dept. probably could care less what the guys testing the RC are doing, and vice versa. They only folks that really care about the RC at VU right now are the guys testng the RC, and marketing, who are waiting to hear that the (or an) RC is good so that they can make the gold announcement and get the game on the shelves.
VALVe will be able to sell HL2 over Steam, They'll just have to give some of the profits to Vivendi.
how mutch of VALVes time do you think is put into this stupid lawsuit
oh and i just finished playing doom3 damned alfa labs 4
UndercoverBob said:
how mutch of VALVes time do you think is put into this stupid lawsuit
oh and i just finished playing doom3 damned alfa labs 4

Haha, alpha labs 4 is hard. I beat the game along time ago...Twice already.. :)
The Uber-Gordon

Ironic... the games delayed... then the lawsuit...
Crazy Goat said:
Ironic... the games delayed... then the lawsuit...

In what way is that ironic?

Welcome to the forums, by the way.
i personally think someone at gamespy got it wrong i think VU started the lawsuit why would valve start a lawsuit that would delay the game
I am sorry for playing the pesimist, but I really believe this will inevitably delay the release of Half-Life 2.

Vivendi reminds me of a small child, complaining when he or she doesn't get exactly what they want. They are going to throw a temper tantrom, and cause Valve as many difficulties as possible. Although, Valve isn't inocent either. From what I've read, Valve knowingly used the illegitimate sales to Cyber Cafes as a way to con Vivendi into sign over the Internet distribution rights, without disclosing their future intentions.

This is all boiling down to the fact that Vivendi is just worried they will loose minor portion of their sales to Steam, and they playing their cards in such a way that it appears they will loose more sales then they realisticly would.

My conclusion is; this could, very possibly, delay the release until this legal matter is settled, weither it be an out of court settlement, or a Court's decision.
finally someone agrees with me thank you white boy oh and Plasma gun da bomb
It would make much more sense to handle all the legal matters seperate from the release of the game. After all, no matter what happens legally, it's all going to boil down to money exchanging hands (if the courts deem there is wrong doing). That can be done at any time: before, during, or after the release of the game. And since we all know this is going to be a very large money making game, it's best for both sides to get it out sooner rather than later.

Now if, for instance, the game is released and Valve or VU are found guilty of whatever at a later date....they would simply end up paying whatever damages the courts set.

But the longer the game is held up...the less money each side is going to make from sales as people are going to get fed up with waiting around. That simply wouldn't make sense for either side when this entire thing is about making money.