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  1. JNightshade

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Announced

    Meh. 4 was really cool, but 2 will always be my favorite.
  2. JNightshade


    Lawl. I don't understand people calling this "fail"- it's Mac Hall, one of the best old comics around (it ended a few years ago.) 'tis awesome :D
  3. JNightshade

    New "super-secret" Nintendo Wii game

    BANNED But seriously, I'm intrigued by this. And I don't even own a Wii!
  4. JNightshade

    Fallout 3 DLC announced

    --indeed lol.
  5. JNightshade

    Massachusetts to decriminalise Pot

    That's because the number of people that consume psilocybes is infinitesimally smaller than that of drinkers. As someone who's tried both a good number of times, I can tell you with great confidence that mushrooms are FAR more intense and dangerous if not treated very carefully.That said...
  6. JNightshade

    Name this song!!! (please)

    Ooh, damn... I've got no idea, but it sure is purdy...
  7. JNightshade

    The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

    Bon Iver - Skinny Love So goddamn pretty D:
  8. JNightshade

    Im back. even though i doubt many of you remember me lol

    I 'member yoo! I've actually been lurking around these bits for quite a while meself though D:
  9. JNightshade

    Massachusetts to decriminalise Pot

    lawl, shrooms are WAY more potent than alcohol. Anyway, I voted for this, and I'm satisfied with the outcome. Even though I quit smoking, this will certainly make many peoples' lives MUCH easier, as well as save money for the state. Also, @ hool: what the HELL are you talking about? hahaha
  10. JNightshade


    Sadly, Senator Shake was drained in the polls.
  11. JNightshade

    Salvia Divinorum

    Lol, Salvia is a terrible drug. It's really intense and confusing- almost nobody would touch it if it weren't legal D:
  12. JNightshade

    Looking for an HDTV...

    I'm shipping off to uni in a few days, and I just discovered that my roommate does not, in fact, have a TV. Being as I worked my arse off this summer, I figure this is the perfect opportunity to splurge on a new HDTV. I'm looking for something between 20 and 30 inches (preferably closer to 30)...
  13. JNightshade

    Dirty Mugshots Thread "Not another one of these God damn things" Edition

    You guys forget that he lives in cananada. Things are different there :|
  14. JNightshade

    Dirty Mugshots Thread "Not another one of these God damn things" Edition

    Damnit, I wish they sold that in the US. Instead, we have to get 'em mixed at a bar for like three times that price :angry: EDIT: well, that, or just make 'em yourself like me :p
  15. JNightshade

    The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

    Radiohead - Dollars and Cents "we're gonna CRACK your little skull." :D
  16. JNightshade

    Best performances you've ever seen.

    RAAAAADIOHEEEEEEAAAAD. Saw them on the 13th with Grizzly Bear opening. It was utterly brilliant- they played all of In Rainbows, The Bends (the song), The National Anthem, Everything in Its Right Place, a beautiful rendition of Kid A, Optimistic, Idioteque, Paranoid Android, Karma Police, There...
  17. JNightshade

    Miscellaneous III: EXTREME Edition

    Same thing happened to me. Reinstalling steam fixed everything. F*cking maddening in the meantime, though :hmph:
  18. JNightshade

    When will you die?

    October 24, 2025 hahahaha Pretty much what I expected.
  19. JNightshade

    Keanu Reeves rumored to play Spike in Cowboy Bebop film.

    NO. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Nononononononononono- nooooooooooooooooonononooooooooononoooooooooooooononononononononono. :(