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  1. S

    Off-Limits - '4 Years' Special Update

    4 years? For a mod? Wtf? Just release it already, this is why so many mods die because they try to make it like a damn AAA title. Its a 3rd party mod. Get on with it.
  2. S

    FrozenFish looking for coder

    WTF FROZENFISH FTW! I once had the SAME IDEA! I even started to model the fish. But anyway, id like to help out with this mod. It looks awesome. Ive very good at webdesign, and have 5gig webspace with 250gig bandwith a month. I can also model, not very complex but alright. SO if you need help...
  3. S

    Left 4 Dead Interview and Trailer

    Expect the release date to be somewhere around the first half of 2008
  4. S

    Fortress Forever Update

    Looks good. Although I hope they change the gun sound for the minigun back to the original it sounds so crappy compared to the old gun. And that SG sabotage thing was pretty cool.
  5. S

    TF2 or TFC:S?

    Oh Noes its got some guns that are the same it cant be teh successor, it cant be!
  6. S

    New look

    Wow, nice work. I like the new Skin a lot. Just next time, try and keep the frontpage UP while your working on the new skin ;)
  7. S

    It's not fixed at all. It's been vandalised!

    Yeah do they mind telling us wtf went wrong in the first place, what caused all this?
  8. S

    It's not fixed at all. It's been vandalised!

    Wow, I didnt know those infraction things existed. Now thats just retarded. (ok so that was a joke and stuff...)
  9. S

    "The Crossing" World Premiere

    Everybody shutup and play a real game like css. ;) Ive they are addicted to runescape, they deserve to die.
  10. S

    It's not fixed at all. It's been vandalised!

    Because they are retarded.
  11. S

    munro f*cked up? site gone too mexico?

    WTF IS THE ****EN PROBLEM? Where is the site? WTF did you retards do with it? If its uploaded on the friggin server you woulda had to have gone in and deleted it. Why? This sucks. Way to bring down such a nice site.
  12. S

    What happened to the main site?

    Shutup fag you wouldnt know anything.
  13. S

    "The Crossing" World Premiere

    Im guessing, that you can play singplayer. And the multiplayer is just singplayer but multiple people can join. Then when someone wants to play singleplayer he plays against all those guys. Pretty much like co-op except you would still be playing multiplayer... Anyone get me? Or its...
  14. S

    What happened to the main site?

    Does he mean it will be up on christmas day? Or something else?
  15. S

    What happened to the main site?

    Seriously. What the **** is taking so damn long? Why isnt this done yet?
  16. S

    Unknown Lifeforms (Fellow coders and modelers)

    So you guys really created those models? And that model of the head? Which has absolutely no purpose in being created that detailed? K.
  17. S

    Regarding Depth9000 and Zleppelins' posts re. holocaust

    Yeah, you can discuss that all you like, but then having a discussion about the discussion is just lame. Get over it.
  18. S

    Regarding Depth9000 and Zleppelins' posts re. holocaust

    WTF? You losers this is not so get over it.
  19. S

    What happened to the main site?

    OMG idiot someone delete this thread. They are updating it with super cool things.
  20. S

    Black Mesa Media Update 2

    WTF are we getting so uptight about this HL1 and Source SHIT? WHO CARES. WE ALL KNOW IT STILL LOOKS SHIT. Now back to the discussion of Black Mesa: Source. THe most awesome mod around!