Search results

  1. symptom

    Will my toaster run HL2?????

    WTF!? That's not even a toaster, it's a ****ing computer. Good luck trying to get HL2 to run on THAT! ROFLOLOL!!!!!!!1!1!1!12
  2. symptom

    Will my toaster run HL2?????

    I imagine servers will be running on machines such as this:
  3. symptom

    Will my toaster run HL2?????

    "If"? It's already been confirmed n00b, check the sticky info thread.
  4. symptom

    Fancy yourself as the next Gordon Freeman?

    YES G-Dawg is on the site. Thanks! But hey... give me some credit somewhere please ;)
  5. symptom

    Final Fantasy 7 or 8?

    I love them both, they were each different but I think they were both quality games. I might have enjoyed VII a bit more, but VIII deserves more recognition than it gets, most of the time.
  6. symptom

    "Pay-per-play" games: your thoughts

    Ragnarok Online is pay to play. It's a decent game, seems to be getting better because they are finally implementing the Comodo updates and all. It's a little expensive for what you get though...
  7. symptom

    General Art Forum

    I think we need a wallpaper subsection...
  8. symptom

    HL 2 Poster

    g-MAN and head CRAB... Awesome....
  9. symptom

    Woman Artwork!

    You're good at it, you just need to develop the skill more and it'll look awesome.
  10. symptom

    funny mac video

    I think it's because most Mac people are annoying.
  11. symptom

    Is it just me Chris_D?

    I thought it was Arnold when I first glanced at it...
  12. symptom

    who has played dinky bomb?

    Looks pretty cool, but it freezes my browser (Opera).
  13. symptom


    Watchitpunk... Japanese is my major. But yes, it's in English.
  14. symptom


    I have a few episodes on VHS and DVD. Watched the first few, thought it was really unique, but then lost interest for some reason.
  15. symptom

    The person above you

    Is forgiven
  16. symptom

    The person above you

    Thinks there is someone named sympton on these forums.
  17. symptom

    The person above you

    Is not the person above me but the demon within me :eek:
  18. symptom

    Bride in Conn. Rages at Reception, Jailed

    I sure hope not...
  19. symptom

    The person above you

    Is younger than me
  20. symptom

    The person above you

    Has 738 posts