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  1. DeXtRoMeThOrFaN


    why the hell do people always get pissed when someone posts shit in the wrong forum? For one thing, it's not their bandwith, and they also dont have to read it if they dont want to.
  2. DeXtRoMeThOrFaN

    My birthday july 16th

    I reccommend gettin Star Wars KOTOR if you have an Xbox...
  3. DeXtRoMeThOrFaN


    That ram sucks.
  4. DeXtRoMeThOrFaN

    Steam is downloading Halflife2 movie now

    I dont get it? yeah, the dl is over, it was nothing. see if that link worx now...
  5. DeXtRoMeThOrFaN

    Steam is downloading Halflife2 movie now

    it should work now. heres a link if it doesnt
  6. DeXtRoMeThOrFaN

    Steam is downloading Halflife2 movie now

    pic* its a gif, crap quality.
  7. DeXtRoMeThOrFaN

    Steam is downloading Halflife2 movie now

    um my steam us updating Half Life 2 movies also. Where the hell does it tell the percent? I've also already dled yesterdays vid btw.
  8. DeXtRoMeThOrFaN

    New stream movies.

    9 Movies? I thought there was just one?
  9. DeXtRoMeThOrFaN

    A question about the videos and the size they are...

    Well if they release 30sec video's everyday, its gonna take about 45-50 days for this, INCLUDING weekends. I just dont see'em doin that.
  10. DeXtRoMeThOrFaN

    A question about the videos and the size they are...

    Im just tryne to figure out possibilities as to how I got a 400meg file in my folder. As do you all too...
  11. DeXtRoMeThOrFaN

    A question about the videos and the size they are...

    I mean, ya know when it says ur dlin at 300kbs er, 750kbs? What if its really meant like that? Instead of 750kbs really meaning about 85-90k/s. Cuz if that WAS the case, we could DL 400megs quickly. But I dont see how...
  12. DeXtRoMeThOrFaN

    A question about the videos and the size they are...

    Aight, so todays DL was about 400megs right? I know my chache or whatever was a bit over 400megs, and it wasnt there before. Im thinkin todays DL had all the necessary files we need to use bink, and all this other junk. Thats why the video file was only 68megs. So maybe tomorrow, if they...
  13. DeXtRoMeThOrFaN

    Movies Released !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    NM, on my post, im stupid.
  14. DeXtRoMeThOrFaN

    Movies Released !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    How do you know how many percent it is? Mine doesnt say.
  15. DeXtRoMeThOrFaN

    1st movie to be released tonight(confirmed link inside)

    Sweet. I just woke up. Its 5pm Eastern time. And I get greeted to hl2 movie getting released today. Nice.