this is the crutch of the american people. this transcends petty conservative-versus-liberal thought. for a so-called "united" country, we are divided on everything.
i remember seeing that video....
funny how the u.s. government always ends up supporting the wrong people, only to back out and make themselves look like fools.
absolutely. saddam hussein was a horrible person and he certainly deserved to be ousted. BUT, the cost at doing this was just too great, and, in my opinion, not worth the chances.
9/11 was coordinated by usama bin laden and al qaeda. they should have been the our primary objectives the whole time.
no, i would not have saddam back in power. but i would not have 1000+ u.s. troops dead over misguided intelligence, either.
i'm not too sure about that.
"The committee's ranking Democrat, Sen. Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia, said: 'Tragically, the intelligence failures set forth in this report will affect our national security for generations to come. Our credibility is diminished. Our standing in the world has...
I woke up and this was all over the news,2933,125123,00.html
I doubt this will make things any better.