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  1. not28

    Can someone permanently IP ban me please?

    who is infiltrator and why do you hate him so much?
  2. not28

    Your Steam addy

    [email protected] i haven't used it in a long time. and i haven't been able to log in for the past week, but you all knew that.
  3. not28

    Can someone permanently IP ban me please?

  4. not28

    Control Michael Moore!

    people don't know the difference between 'lies' and 'propaganda.'
  5. not28

    What films are you looking forward to this summer?

    the village the incredibles spiderman 2, maybe maybe avp. it will probably suck summer movies tend to suck hard, that's the only bad thing.
  6. not28

    news: CIA wrong about purported WMDs

    he thinks everything is a conspiracy theory.
  7. not28

    news: CIA wrong about purported WMDs

    i know. **** hl2. this game RULES.
  8. not28

    news: CIA wrong about purported WMDs

    we won't know that for sure until after the election; apparently that's when they're going to investigate GWB.
  9. not28

    news: CIA wrong about purported WMDs

    i would consider today's headline "evidence of foul play."
  10. not28

    news: CIA wrong about purported WMDs

    exactly. we have a pretty solid record of f*cking up. sad but true.
  11. not28

    news: CIA wrong about purported WMDs

    the same thing happened with fidel castro, didn't it?
  12. not28

    news: CIA wrong about purported WMDs

    this is the crutch of the american people. this transcends petty conservative-versus-liberal thought. for a so-called "united" country, we are divided on everything.
  13. not28

    news: CIA wrong about purported WMDs

    i remember seeing that video.... funny how the u.s. government always ends up supporting the wrong people, only to back out and make themselves look like fools.
  14. not28

    news: CIA wrong about purported WMDs

    absolutely. saddam hussein was a horrible person and he certainly deserved to be ousted. BUT, the cost at doing this was just too great, and, in my opinion, not worth the chances.
  15. not28

    news: CIA wrong about purported WMDs

    9/11 was coordinated by usama bin laden and al qaeda. they should have been the our primary objectives the whole time. no, i would not have saddam back in power. but i would not have 1000+ u.s. troops dead over misguided intelligence, either.
  16. not28

    Does anyone still use 800x600 resolution?

    i use 1024 x 768 but i think leaving it at 800 x 600 is a better idea. that, or make it a dynamic 100%-of-screen-size width.
  17. not28

    news: CIA wrong about purported WMDs

    i'm not too sure about that. "The committee's ranking Democrat, Sen. Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia, said: 'Tragically, the intelligence failures set forth in this report will affect our national security for generations to come. Our credibility is diminished. Our standing in the world has...
  18. not28

    news: CIA wrong about purported WMDs

    I woke up and this was all over the news,2933,125123,00.html I doubt this will make things any better.
  19. not28

    LOL, saw a great documentary on Satelite TV

    damn. i don't get shotime :(
  20. not28

    LOL, saw a great documentary on Satelite TV

    i think we get the point. peta = bad. yay. move on. anyway, which channel was this show on, Raz?