Meili Xue Shan in China has a death ratio of infinity due to 19 climbers dying and nobody ever reaching the summit. (Death ratio is usually taken as deaths per successful summit bid)
By shear numbers Mt Tambora is the deadliest, having wiped out an estimated 40 000 people in its eruption.
I guess I just don't get it how moving money around inside of a country makes that country richer. By that same logic, how does moving money around inside the world economy pull the whole world out of recession. It seems like trying to lift yourself up by your boot straps. And speaking of...
But wait isn't Citigroup a taxpayer too?
If the [Canadian] government bails me out to the tune of $12 billion dollars they could say that the tax payer [me] has made all their money back. And then since I will be spending that $12 billion on goods and services which generate jobs and wealth...
I think it is pretty clear that they were killed by some Soviet era weapons testing.
Probably Russians were shooting neutron bombs, or some sort of artillery or depleted uranium shells in the area.
Skiiers realize they are in the test zone of some weapons firing, try to run away to seek...
I don't get it. How do the phones stop cat calls? I find it hard to read things that mention "crowd-sourced initiative", or the words "Until now" as a single sentence.
Your thrust vector is relative to your spaceship, not absolute space. A 30 deg thrust vector is the same no matter what your position is. Only your position vector can be shown as a position. Your velocity vector and thrust (acceleration) vector are not on the same coordinate grid. You don't...
Makes no sense at all!
I don't think I have read this book. The books I did read were many many years ago. This movie does not stand on it's own at all. Nothing is explained, nothing makes sense. All I got was a lot of teleporting to pretty scenery and camping. I think that the movie is...
Completely trash movie. Not even satisfying in a B-movie sense. Ending is really WTF! with no closure of anything. Acting is bad, dialogue is bad, scenery is all inside a condo. CGI is okay (the film was funded and written by the CGI studio owners).
I did a lot of programming into my TI-83+, but I had to know the material pretty well in order to program it in TI-Basic, so in the end I probably didn't need the programs.
The human brain is very complex. Higher consciousness is basically a future forecasting program. What will happen when you let go of a pencil? You already know that it will fall to the ground. You don't have to derive any mathematical models. Your mind has a built in physical model of the world...
Skyline: -10/10
Plot doesn't make sense. Dialog is terrible. Characters are unlikable. Ending is WTF! It's like Independence Day but instead of watching the people who save the world, you watch some douchbags in an L.A. condo.