Search results

  1. flupke

    Will HDR (DX9 FX) be in the final game?

    As in Radeon 9800 pro?
  2. flupke

    Will HDR (DX9 FX) be in the final game?

    link? ........
  3. flupke

    Will HDR (DX9 FX) be in the final game?

    What's HDR actually?
  4. flupke

    Hl2 Pc Gamer (us)

    God SDK will be so cool. Not for me, but then we'll see like THOUSANDS of screens of mods... Mod developpers will freak out with this thingie.
  5. flupke

    High End Gaming: Is Your Computer Ready For It?

    Idd, this can't be true.. I understand that a 9800 pro with a good cpu & mem will run HL2 @ 60 fps (which is actually NORMAL), but at 130... Not.
  6. flupke


    9mm pistol ^^
  7. flupke

    What gun is this?

    No it's not, it's a piece of an italian magazine scan. Anyway, just to let you guys know : Those scans will come out as screenshots within the next weeks so i don't think there's any reason to remove it.
  8. flupke

    HL2 Weapon Slots

    Me neither, but that answer was expected :)
  9. flupke

    What u want in next , if any , HL2 trailer vids?

    Yeah, i would like to see some weather effects. I would like to see FSAA on HL2 & I would like to see some action.
  10. flupke

    Hl2 esclusclusive report in italian magazine

    More then ok, nice post!
  11. flupke

    Info received from Valve ONLY - NO questions/discussion

    Hi, Sorry for the delayed reply. Currently the minimum system requirement for HL2 are looking to be: 1Ghz Proc, 256RAM, Dx7 level GPU. Regarding your specific question: "Will for example a 2400+ with 512MB & Radeon 9800pro be able to run the game @ 1024*768*32 with all detail up...
  12. flupke

    New Hi Res pics of HL2

    You know what the strange this is.. If they ARE beta leaked images (so for a prank), why would they appear @ all great game sites with the comment : "New officially released screenshots of HL2"? :/
  13. flupke

    New Hi Res pics of HL2

    Well... DUH
  14. flupke

    New Hi Res pics of HL2 versus the new released shots... You got to be kidding me. Those new shots can't be from the final game.. I don't get it. It MUST be low detail
  15. flupke

    Magazine coverage of HL2

    Whatever, i worship you anyway ;)
  16. flupke

    Magazine coverage of HL2

    "HL2 could be up to twice as long as the original"
  17. flupke

    Magazine coverage of HL2

    Ow My Scan 7 ROCKS
  18. flupke

    Magazine coverage of HL2

    "Using the manipulator's alternate fire button, i start shunting the car out of the water, get back on board and resume my uncomfortable journey" :|
  19. flupke

    Magazine coverage of HL2

    Heavenly resolution mates! The url = the url with the scans :p
  20. flupke

    Magazine coverage of HL2

    Yeah i understand that.. OMG i can't wait for the others scans. I press F5 every 7 seconds on *the* url :D