At one time I had heard that the Source engine was being designed to stay at a constant framerate, and that the engine would dynamically change to acheive playable framerates. Anyone know if this is still the case?
I wouldn't expect any hardware sites to give you that kind of info. They only care about how different video cards compare, and care little about how playable a game is going to be with specific hardware. Hopefully valve releases the benchmark to the public so that these sorts of issues can be...
Errr, I think I understand what your saying. The benchmark those sites used was the one at ATI's shader event. It was 3 maps from HL2 that we have already seen in the E3 videos.
Looks like the map is delayed. How could you do this to us Adam?! First HL2, now this! Why must you torture me so?!
EDIT: Wait, he said 1:30 PM.........thats another 12 hours..........
Halo is one game I will never buy....Not after what microsoft did to PC gamers. To put it into perspective, what microsoft did would be like them buying valve right now, delaying Half-life 2 another year to put it exclusively on the XBOX, then wait another 2 years or so to bring it back to PC.
I was just thinking that, these major newssites wouldn't want to be posting the email headers and stuff anyway. Doing so would make it much easier for people to fake emails like this...
Evidence For valid email:
Shacknews says its valid
Multiple sites acknowledge email
Evidence saying fake:
No email header posted
No email screenshot
Emailed at 9PM PST, a little late
Emailed by Doug, maybe not the person who who make this kind of announcment