yeah some people have trouble with bit torrent.. the way the packets are shaped or something. there's over 25 servers contributing to this right now so speeds should be way over 100k/second if you're capable of it. but at the same time you see people mentioning 2-3k/second... has to be a router...
yeah well, as someone who's trying to serve it up, I had 3 different machines on 3 different ISP's all with steam up. no matter what I tried in terms of re-logging in or whatever, it wouldn't show the new video. on all 3.. i had to resort to fileshack to get it. sorry if that came off as being...
or not as the case seems to be for a lot of people.. seems some people are getting it, and some aren't... cascading roll-out maybe? meanwhile, back at the ranch:
The Half-Life franchise gets bought out by Herbal-Life, the weight loss pyramid scheme. All health packs in Half Life 2 are replaced by product placement of vitamin supplements, and "How to sell crap to anybody" self starter kits.
As someone who runs a bunch of different forums, it's important to state that the whole freedom of speech thing is great for the US. This however isn't the US, it's private property, owned by the people who run this board. Just like any non-governmental board, freedom of speech is a luxury here...
gordon could end up being a woman trapped inside a man's body, and alyx is a man trapped in a woman's body. once they come to this realization, they proceed to have a torrid love affair, gordon as the woman, alyx as the man. all of this is revealed after dr. kleiner pulls off his face which...
she's flat, has little shape to her body, and her face is somewhat ugly. i think valve was probably trying to break from the mold of the lara croft floatation devices for boobs look. did i mention she over acts all of her lines to the nth degree?