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  1. Heitai

    Will the Benchmark arrive today?

    Not sure why that comment rubbed me the wrong way. I would expect a company to release their product when it is that date in their timezone and not what ever timezone some random fan lives in.
  2. Heitai

    What about Tokyo game show??

    Doh I thought this thread mentioned some new info. Oh well. Time to ingore it like the many others on this topic.
  3. Heitai

    Which upgrades? Need advice...

    Ah Sidewinderx143 the link gives me this when I click on it. Could not open SMX document. Basically I am bored and was following the suggestions to the main poster.
  4. Heitai

    Which upgrades? Need advice...

    His motherboard doesn't actually. His motherboard has a Via prosavage km266 chipset. mobo specs for future refrence. I origianlly started out making a computer for him that was under $1k (minus case, optical drives, hard drive.) before...
  5. Heitai

    Help: CD Recording Software

    Goes with Skunk on this. Also the problem with Nero that Fat Bob mentioned was fixed a couple updates ago. I have also heard that Alcohol 120% and CloneCd are good as well.
  6. Heitai

    hl2 Pushed back..

    You seemed to have missed this one. End of the thread
  7. Heitai

    PC GAMER new HL2 info.

    I have the Nov issue as well. I like the Conconut Monkey for Governor of California spoof. Time to go back to classes. Bio 101 here I come.
  8. Heitai

    PC GAMER new HL2 info.

    From what I remember of that issue Insane Fool is rigght. Modders interested would have to take a trip to Valve to have a tutorial at their headquarters.
  9. Heitai

    hl2 Pushed back..

    Not sure but this is what I have seen at Ign. Ign's article
  10. Heitai

    hl2 Pushed back..

    Naw I don't think I could be mad at Santa. Then again he bribes you to be nice all year. :cheese: Oh well I should head to bed. It is 1:42 am right now. Oyasuminasai!
  11. Heitai

    hl2 Pushed back..

    That is the only person I could think after reading Ares post.
  12. Heitai

    hl2 Pushed back..

    I am still confused why they decided to tell release this news around 9pm (pst)? Wouldn't have made more sense to release this news sometime during the morning? Oh well it will give me some time to get decent at Warcraft III and Frozen throne.
  13. Heitai

    so Fragmaster was 100% on the money then..

    Even thought I think the game will be delayed for some amount of time it would be nice to see the email that has affected the comunity so greatly.
  14. Heitai

    Simple. Basic. Non-Biased HL2 response pole

    I think Stereo's post somes up most of what I feel after the delay anouncemnet. I am actually not really mad at the delay but more so at the way it was handled.
  15. Heitai


  16. Heitai

    How much would you pay?

    Also I wish I had $300 to give away like that.
  17. Heitai

    How much would you pay?

    I would give 5 bucks and a stick of Black Black gum. Would probably be a scam anyway.
  18. Heitai

    Port Hl2 To Mac!!!

    Here I thought this thread had died.
  19. Heitai

    Port Hl2 To Mac!!!

    Not exactly sure what that is but it sounds like an insult against the Irish. If it is I wish you would leave coments like this out of this thread please.
  20. Heitai

    Port Hl2 To Mac!!!

    I am surprised that this isn't closed yet.