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  1. Mitoboy

    Alyx in all her glory..

    Ha ha ha ha ha. That is funny. Notice the number of times a picture has been viewed with all the others. See a pattern? Does word-of-mouth happen on message boards?
  2. Mitoboy

    Community Attitude..

    I don't visit the boards, let alone the general forum enough to judge, but if it is still like it was when I left then this gets a thumbs up. Didn't Munro enforce the same policy long ago? Like, before the delay thing happened.
  3. Mitoboy

    Isn't it funny

    /me notices the pattern. /me flicks off everyone and storms out of the thread.
  4. Mitoboy

    Question about my computer.

    Mouse is always clean, no I have never split any liquids on any part of my computer or any input and output devices.
  5. Mitoboy

    Question about my computer.

    Oh those. Yeh, I checked them the first time it happened. Nothing seems to be wrong with them.
  6. Mitoboy

    If this forum were a bar

    But wouldn't Munro like be the owner of the bar? I don't think the guy that owns the bar would pay for his customers.
  7. Mitoboy

    Question about my computer.

    What? Please, pretend that I am a five year old that has not yet even heard of a computer. What wire?
  8. Mitoboy

    Question about my computer.

    I don't really know what has happened. I noticed it today. My mouse would stop responding then come back in the place where it would be is there was no pause. Then sometimes my mouse would stop responding all togeather. Then it would be even worse sometimes the keyboard and mouse will not...
  9. Mitoboy

    If this forum were a bar

    If was a bar I would wonder who all the guys are talking to becuase there are little to no girls that post in I would then shutter at the thought of what they could be. I would then order a beer. And drink in peace while talking with anyone that would bother to listin.
  10. Mitoboy

    any barney, the barney from blue shift

    I don't see how Freeman and Barney C. could not have talked before the happings of HL2. They are in the city togeather.
  11. Mitoboy

    Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-039 ! Critical Security Issue

    Yay, once again, I am not affected. /me is proptly beaten for having Windows ME.
  12. Mitoboy

    Monitor troubles.

    Thanks for the help. /me fixes the computer.
  13. Mitoboy

    WTC: A Memorial

    RIP victims of 9/11. I'll stop expressing my thoughts right there before I spout off something that could get me in trouble about other things in this topic.
  14. Mitoboy

    Monitor troubles.

    Yes I am aware I am in the wrong forum, but I need the help, bad. (I promise I won't ever do it again, put we are talking about a expensive piece of equipment. In my eyes at least.) I have recently noticed my monitor changing tints. It goes from a normal to a greenish color. Then it would...
  15. Mitoboy

    kazaa lite question

    Excuse my large amount of empty space in my head, but what does share level do for you?
  16. Mitoboy

    A present for mrBadger

    Whoa... Did I take some strong drugs without me knowing it? /me looks at the can of Mountain Dew: Code Red he was drinking.
  17. Mitoboy

    :OFFICIAL: Your Suspensions

    I got a dention once so far. I made a joke. Wow... Now I understand why everyone laughed at the reason...
  18. Mitoboy

    What games do you play? Not FPS

    I play Command & Conqure: Renegade a lot.... Wait that's a FPS... Damn, sorry. I don't play much else at the moment.
  19. Mitoboy

    PHL Delay Editorial

    I am tired, so I will put as little thought into this post while it till making some sort of meaning. Weather HL2 is released on the 30th everyone will be happy, the game that a large number of people counted down the days since it was announced a couple months ago. If it is delayed even...
  20. Mitoboy

    DVD...I'm in love.

    /me wishes he would get a DVD player for his computer.