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  1. -Yo-

    Your bills on gold date

    Do you realy think it can go gold on a sunday ? I mean what is going on if its announced a sunday ? no press etc...
  2. -Yo-

    Erikk's Gabe post is a fake...

    lol @ time stamp :)
  3. -Yo-

    Your bills on gold date

    As it seems we reach the last week before 'the fatal date', and that everyone speeks about it, lets put your bills on the subject ;) And will see who are the winners when its announced :bounce:
  4. -Yo-

    ATI Radeon 9800XT/Half Life Bundle

    maybe 400$ is just "the chip" :o cause it sounds hard to have the really high end card for 400$
  5. -Yo-

    What are you doing to pass the time?

    writing the forums . ;)
  6. -Yo-

    hl2 vs. halo on sept 30th

    I don't like hallo at all :D
  7. -Yo-

    HL2 Box or Steam?

    btw, if its comming out in boxes where i live, I will buy box :p If not, steam .
  8. -Yo-

    Why everywhere I call they say it ships Feb 2004?

    time will tell .
  9. -Yo-

    Someone mentioned this weapon idea a long time ago... is it possible?

    Would be fun :) But hey, really wanna know if manipulator can handle combine :o
  10. -Yo-

    There is only one Game That Will overtop HL2 Graphicaly ...

    sorry to say but DNF will come :) they never stopped developping it. And it will be surely the craziest game ever :D
  11. -Yo-

    Download HL2 @ work, take it home ?

    mhtsaras said it :) u just have to burn the cache file
  12. -Yo-

    HL2 Sprays?

    <- :cheese:
  13. -Yo-

    10 days till released!!!

    I can call this thread the "10 days to buy a radeon" :D
  14. -Yo-

    Anyone else have this happen?

    I personnaly had a nightmare where i've been eaten twice by a giant shark while i was on a little wood plank ... :|
  15. -Yo-

    New Zealands Unorganized HL2 Release

    hey southparksam, last time i went to the game store near i live, i told about hl² release date, they said "Oh hl² ? but we already have it take a look" ... ok he gave me blueshift :D i just said goodbye and "adieu"
  16. -Yo-

    Insider information on Half-Life 2 Steam release

    The problem is WHY order on steam IF the game is released on games store shelves the 30th ?... If on th 22nd we have the option to PAY for a month subscription, get the beginning of hl² but if it really comes to game resailers the 30th i think i just go buy it :| Im puzzled
  17. -Yo-

    Wait ... WON is gone in 2 weeks, right?

    trantjd said it .
  18. -Yo-

    snacks while playing HL2?

    I have a little fridge just next to my comp :) I think it will be full of beer & some chips
  19. -Yo-

    Poll: sp vs mp

    yes i will play tutorial for months