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  1. D

    Is anybody here running a...

    where am i mixing a geforce 4 mx with a ti?
  2. D

    Another AMD64 Thread

    read my above post
  3. D

    Here's an example of the PSU issue

    yeah, but it's damn stupid to spend the extra money when you can get a very good quality 400w for 30 bucks
  4. D

    Here's an example of the PSU issue

    let me tell you, people tout antec like it's their savior, and i have no doubt they are good PSUs, but they are expensive if you want to go cheap for a good quality PSU, go over to newegg and look up the Allied 400w i bought one over there for 30 bucks, it's running nice and stable on all...
  5. D

    Another AMD64 Thread

    guys, you won't be seeing widespread adaptation of the 64 bit process for at least a year and a half, and even then, i doubt they'll be much use as most games and such will still be developed in 32 bit until then, the 64 bit process is going to be mainly for workstations and servers if you...
  6. D

    Is anybody here running a...

    seriously dude, it may be a DX9 card that supports all the DX9 features, but it simply doesn't have the power to run those features, in some cases it performs worse than a ti4200
  7. D

    why is everyone recommending ati's??

    lol, i think you picked the wrong thread for it, there was no fanboy war here :cheers:
  8. D

    why is everyone recommending ati's??

    alright, you go right ahead and voice your convictions with such ferocity even though nobody challenged them
  9. D

    Doom 3 is screwed....

    **** that, just strap some Georgians in a rocket with plenty of beer and ammunition
  10. D

    Doom 3 is screwed....

    yeah, but it's on Mars, so why don't they just nuke the ****ing place?
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    Doom 3 is screwed....

    bah, you know what i mean :dozey:
  12. D

    Doom 3 is screwed....

    the visuals and such certainly carry a much brighter tone, and also Doom 3 carries a very evil, demonic atmosphere, while HL2 is more sci fi
  13. D

    why is everyone recommending ati's??

    so, wait, alb, is your performanc ok, or is it low do you think?
  14. D

    why is everyone recommending ati's??

  15. D

    why is everyone recommending ati's??

    yeah, whenever somebody complains of an underperforming card, it's almost always the exact situation we had here
  16. D

    why is everyone recommending ati's??

    heheh, np, just remember to do that anytime you install drivers from now on :cheers: EDIT: jesus christ, did it seriously take 4 pages to recommend this to him? this should have been the very first suggestion he recieved
  17. D

    why is everyone recommending ati's??

    bah, i remember reading about some hotfix that seriously messes with windows memory management, and i uninstalled it as directed a while ago and i did see a noticeable increase, but i reformatted and patched windows all up and now i can't remember which hotfix it is...
  18. D

    why is everyone recommending ati's??

    it's always a good idea to rid yourself of registry entries with a driver cleaner, it can decrease performance
  19. D

    why is everyone recommending ati's??

    here, this is what i use
  20. D

    why is everyone recommending ati's??

    alright, i'll link ya, just a sec