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  1. eddie500

    Has DOD Source been leaked?

    h8 to tell u this but it doesn't interact with steam or valve servers in anyway so i dout very much any1 will get banned :/
  2. eddie500

    Anyone played de_dust_pcg yet?

    i love it, imo better than dust 1 and 2 on a 16/18 player server
  3. eddie500

    New models for Garrys mod.

    lmao, i'm betting black nail varnish.
  4. eddie500

    My first atempt at character modeling.

    lmao owned. hope he got banned :angry:
  5. eddie500

    My first atempt at character modeling.

    ^^ not needed really, i think it's a really good try for a first go mate, :)
  6. eddie500

    M60 Shorty

    ok sry mate :) just don't want people ripping ur work, just making sure ;)
  7. eddie500

    M60 Shorty

    is that you waedoe mate? if not stop nicking peoples work.
  8. eddie500

    [WIP]Leo's Map Pack (de_riyadh, cs_office2, and de_underground)

    Six Three is right, almost anybody can draw a map on paper but not many can map it well. i hope they turn out good tho =)
  9. eddie500

    My map 30% done, Whats your opnion of it as of now!!

    hmmm don't take this wrong way but why do ppl keep showing 30% done maps, surly 60 / 70% done is better, also i think your map is way to open by the looks of things.
  10. eddie500

    (NOOB) water problem^^

    type water in the search box under mapping and i bet you find your answer ;)
  11. eddie500

    rcon commands through vb6?

    hi all, I know a fair bit of vb, and i'm looking into creating a remote server tool for managing a server. does anyone know how to issue commands and connect to a server through vb6 or .NET. thanks. regards, Edd
  12. eddie500

    3 Brand New Weapon skins

    wow nice ^^^
  13. eddie500

    Stairs killed my map

    try a func_detail thats wat i use for stairs...
  14. eddie500

    Complete model list in easy to search format!

    thanks thats great will help alot :D you must have alot of spare time lol
  15. eddie500

    Finished my knife model!

    can we have a render with a light bg (i.e: grey/white) thanx
  16. eddie500

    [WIP] dm_dockside

    lookin cool, some great crit there ^^ :)
  17. eddie500

    Best way to make a fence?

    try tieing it to the entity func_detail with default settings.
  18. eddie500

    Material Libraries for 3dsmax

    *cough* download the full version next time, not the ripped one! :p *cough*
  19. eddie500

    Ingram Mac 10

    can we have a wireframe so we can help u lower the polycount?
  20. eddie500

    WIP: Chessboard Scene

    me likes. nice work