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  1. eddie500

    Thompson SMG

  2. eddie500

    My first 3d model, a Pipe for my mod.

    hi all got a question wat rendering settings u use to get effects like the 1 on his pipe? u know where u get grey shadows on a white model, i know that did not make any sence wat so ever but u never know some1 out there might get wat i goin on about :) hehe thx, Edd][e :afro:
  3. eddie500

    Thompson SMG

    hi all been busy 2day making a Thompson, the aim of this model was not to make it the most detailed model in the world, but to keep the poly count as low as i could as most of my other models have been quite high so here it is the Thompson SMG and only 380 polys :D tell me wat u think...
  4. eddie500

    My first 3d model, a Pipe for my mod.

    looks good for a frst model even tho it simple :)
  5. eddie500


    thx Fenric and Incitatus :)
  6. eddie500


    yes i am quite new to modelling but y can't u use a mesh smoother in a mod ?!?! :devil: :o
  7. eddie500

    ARCHER model

    the model looks nice so far but with that skin u put on (i know it w.i.p) makes it look more like a half life 1 model
  8. eddie500

    3DS Max 6 out.. will u upgrade?

    lol yep any thing at all apart from psp :cheers:
  9. eddie500

    3DS Max 6 out.. will u upgrade?

    hehe would rather use mspaint ;) *edit* Omg i'm a zombie (finally) :D:afro: :cheers: :bounce:
  10. eddie500

    Some car models......

    WOW:eek: :eek: VERY nice :bounce:
  11. eddie500

    3DS Max 6 out.. will u upgrade?

    hehe that makes 2 of us ;)
  12. eddie500

    3DS Max 6 out.. will u upgrade?

    not sure ur surpost to talk about warez here..... :x
  13. eddie500


    wow that mech hand (in the links) looks so cool, thx :)
  14. eddie500

    [3D] Glock 27

    hehe model looks cool :) but them renders r GREAT :eek: :eek:
  15. eddie500

    3DS Max 6 out.. will u upgrade?

    well if they ur first models well done :D tho i have to say i think me first ever model is cool :cheers:
  16. eddie500

    3DS Max 6 out.. will u upgrade?

    heh yes true, i am a free lance web designer getting into 3d, so seeing as all the new features r 4 the pros i will stick with 5.1 :x
  17. eddie500

    3DS Max 6 out.. will u upgrade?

    sry 4got to post all the new features, here we go: Schematic View Particle Flow Vertex Paint mental ray® 3.2 reactor® 2 dynamics Dynamic Shader UI Network Render to Texture Network Region Render Spline/Patch Modeling Relax UV's Mirror Skin Weights Edit Vertex Normals...
  18. eddie500

    3DS Max 6 out.. will u upgrade?

    well just wanted to know wat u lot think about the new 3ds max 6 and will u upgrade? let me know wat u think, Regards, Edd][e :afro:
  19. eddie500

    F/A-18c Hornets

    none of ur pics work 4 me :-/
  20. eddie500

    ARCHER model

    wow nice start :D needs some work tho, but looks really cool :bounce: