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  1. Tek

    Ok a Pic of me

    linux... you really are thenerdguy.
  2. Tek


    it was a joke you yenta, now go bake me a cake.
  3. Tek

    Great comedian Pablo Francisco

    yep, im a big standup fan(and not just the stuff on comedy central), he's good.
  4. Tek


    i'd buy some hot chicks, or sign up for a chick of the month service, then i can sample, then i'd buy a tank, and shoot VW vans all day, thats about it.
  5. Tek

    i wonder how glass will look

    is there anything better in life than digging a deep ass hole with rockets? I THINK NOT.
  6. Tek

    Spot the traps!

    i meant the bullets were traps, it was a pseudo macho phrase, usually found in action movies. :bounce:
  7. Tek

    i wonder how glass will look

    in my experience the glass award goes to sof2, before that it would be red faction.
  8. Tek

    Spot the traps!

    guns shoot traps! :)
  9. Tek

    Half-life2 multiplayer...

    i wish cs would just die, it was a great/fun game, when it didnt suck.
  10. Tek

    Gordons new weapon, TORPEDOS.

    if any of you douche-nozzles thought i meant torpedo's seriously, get some help, i was commenting at how big they icon is
  11. Tek

    FINALLY, it's been two days....

    good thing ID numbers mean abso-freakin-lutly nothing huh?
  12. Tek

    FINALLY, it's been two days....

    everything i do locks the peice of shit up
  13. Tek

    claymore anyone??

    dont forget making tripmine ladders.
  14. Tek

    not angry bout nvidia, angry bout valve (and ati)

    well nvidia gave them 2 steam servers, so that could be considered corruption too eh.
  15. Tek

    claymore anyone??

    i cant wait to set up traps, i hope they have some kind of proximity mine or claymore for us so we can make traps.
  16. Tek

    Gordons new weapon, TORPEDOS.

    yes call us morons for not going back four months for a thread you made, you're so much better than us, give it a rest kid.
  17. Tek

    Gordons new weapon, TORPEDOS.

    that does not look like a grenade/flare launcher round to me, if its anything its a rpg round.
  18. Tek

    Why no 9700 PRO in the benchmark?

    your mom is my friend BUH-ZING!
  19. Tek

    Why no 9700 PRO in the benchmark?

    9500 and on are dx9 cards
  20. Tek

    Why no 9700 PRO in the benchmark?

    i would do that if i knew at all how to