I don't know why VALVe insists on not doing things like having press releases and news sections on their main site... it's not hard and it would make situations like this a lot easier to handle.
You know we probably COULD break into their offices and steal it. :D We'll just drug Fragmaster and make him do it so he takes the fall... the everyone is happy!
Arg, I can't really voice how disappointed I am with Valve, if all of this is true. It smells bad to me, what with the "email"...
I'm not pissed about Half-Life 2 being delayed as much as I'm pissed at Valve for not telling us this god damned sooner. What the hell did they have to get us all worked up for... all they had to say was "No, we won't be meeting the release date" about a week ago and no one would have been as...
I don't know about knocking them over (they haven't been specific on whether or not this is possible), but Newell has said you could jump on a headcrab and squish it, so I imagine something is possible likc this.
For all the people talking about missing servers... if you look at the source code for the Steam status page, you'll see the numbering of the servers is all off.
... no #1 ...
I don't think you realize the amount of work it would be to do something like this. The entire engine is built around DirectX. The amount of time and money it would take to convert this would be in no way worth the amount of money they would get from the relatively small Mac market.