Hehe thanks guys, now I feel more motivated to do other stuffs.
That was also my first try on materials and getting the spot light in position and etc. :D
I'm really new to the 3D thing itself.
I've allthough tried 3Ds max, Maya, Lightwave and now XSI. And I've made far more progress in XSI than in any of the other 3d apps I've tried.
Humm, so I played around and made this, is this a good start? :hmph:
(Don't ask what it is)
It monitor your activity on 3dbuzz.com, so if you're active alot you get points.
Just click on the movie you need a point for and it'll explain how it works
Hi mate!
I was hoping you would see this thread. :)
I tried changing everything, no luck.
Even tried to make a new curve and move it too.
The extrude is just shaped like the line, it doesn't go along it (like yours.)
I see you got "Per Knot" on. I tried that too no success.. here's...
I'm trying to extrude this cube along the curve but it wont let me.
(Check attachment to see what my results is)
And I have untoggled Extend Component Selection in the Select Menu.
Thanks for any help!
(BTW: I've tried 3Dsmax, Maya and Lightwave, and XSI is the most fun 3D app I've ever...
I'm a newbie to taking pictures, only had my digital camera for a week and I'm going to post 2 of my shots here. Please post your oppinions on this thread. freewebs are a bit slow, but please be patient.
1st: http://www.freewebs.com/dalith/DSCN0752.jpg
I downloaded the Maya PLE like a week ago, and I can say I like Maya much more than 3Ds max and Lightwave(I've used those ones).
It's just easier for me, so I'm actually considering buying Maya 5. :thumbs: