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  1. Loke

    Post a screenshot!

    Resistance and Liberation, a Half-Life 2 mod.
  2. Loke

    Post a screenshot!

  3. Loke

    Resistance & Liberation Alpha 2

    The server I played on had great team work, which of course made it so much fun. Of course there's a few things I'd like to see fixed but so far I'm really liking this.
  4. Loke

    Resistance & Liberation Alpha 2

    Download links can be found on their website here.
  5. Loke

    A Heavy Update

    Yeah, can't wait.
  6. Loke

    TF2 Heavy Update on Tuesday

    Flippin' awesome.
  7. Loke

    T3h 'What are ye playing now?' thread! (Again)

    Team Fortress 2 Mapster32
  8. Loke

    Someone has "proof" I'm hacking

    I've seen speed hacking (a guy named Mike Tyson playing as the heavy flying around the map punching the shit out of people) and apparently a guy that played as the sniper with aimbot - he would get headshot after headshot, never missing, even though he didn't even aim at the head.
  9. Loke

    Spy Crab

    Yeah seen it plenty of times.
  10. Loke

    Do you use Mouse Acceleration in your FPS games?

    Cheers on that. I can't stand people with leet high sensitivity.
  11. Loke

    Why Do You Think Team Fortress 2 is so Good?

    Nevermind, just saw that they had in fact a custom maps server.
  12. Loke

    Why Do You Think Team Fortress 2 is so Good?

    Yeah, I've been thinking about that - I'm mostly playing on the SpecialAttack servers but they only cycle the original maps. Any good custom maps server you'd recommend?
  13. Loke

    Little Big Planet release date announced

    Check the date of the OP. ;)
  14. Loke

    Do you use Mouse Acceleration in your FPS games?

    I guess most of you use a Logitech mouse? I have MX518 myself.
  15. Loke

    Do you use Mouse Acceleration in your FPS games?

    No. I don't like any movement acceleration in console shooters either.
  16. Loke

    Little Big Planet release date announced

    Yet you took the time to walk into this thread and post that? :cheers:
  17. Loke

    Why Do You Think Team Fortress 2 is so Good?

    I disagree. I still play the game quite frequently each day for a few hours and haven't grown tired of it yet. Only thing I'd like them to do more often is to release new maps. I'm so friggin' sick of Goldrush at the moment.
  18. Loke

    Some Gameplay of a New Map

    Too bad he never got killed by me. :(
  19. Loke

    Bernie Mac dies at 50...

    My thoughts exactly. Can't say I was a fan of him but knew the guy pretty well. RIP.
  20. Loke

    Battlefield Heroes

    Yeah I'm in the beta but haven't played for a while.