yeah, not that i downloaded the doom3 alpha... but lets just say that if i had, i'd be thinking that doom3 was just a pretty face with no substance, but i would also be thinking that it is just a nonofficial alpha, it wouldn' t reflect on the final game's quality
lol if you want those more than hl2 you have some interesting tastes.
a singleplayer only game, a 2 year old, shoddily ported xbox game, and a strategy game.:dozey:
my guess is that they were doing damage control after finding out about the leak, but understandably didnt want to alarm the fans by telling them there was a leak if it turned out to be false. that explains all the "i don't knows" about the release date after the annoucement.
I'm a member of IB (International Baccalaureate) an academic honors type thing...and while searching some forums i found a fellow IBer doing a paper about mods and their effects on teh gaming community...wanting to help him out, i offered to spread the survey around, so here it is:
well i've been strictly a nintendo fanboy ever since NES..then around the end of the N64 era i kinda got into PC gaming...i sort of "stumbled upon" Starcraft and counter-strike..two very good gaming experiences that got me into PC gaming...i bought those games without reading any of the hype or...