Well, from the hud, the previous trailer, and Factor 5's previous games(Rouge Squadron games) I'm guessing flight sim/shooter with extra close combat features.
Why is everybody acting like e3 is close? Its not close until the week before, 6 weeks is forever ;( .
Hey, theres more to games than graphics...ever think of that?
And keep in mind, this is a first generation title; There will probably be a brief time somewhere in 2006-7 where the console games will look better than pc, but yeah, PCs advance too fast for a fixed platform to keep up for long.
Out of the Poll, PS3 info and many PC games.
But really theres too much stuff at E3 to make a poll, and really, X360 info and HL2 expansions are the most interesting things you could think of :|? Those are probably going to be the least interesting things at the show.
I'm looking forward...
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I saw scans of it in game informer, and they don't look fake. ;)
I'm not gonna bother with a thread though, they're scans(not allowed here) and I don't know the contents of the article.
Nope...just checked it, its working so I'm watching it now. The slides for the presentation don't show anymore, but the video part is still higher res/better quality (And almost twice as long).
Not even the full presentation. :|
The whole thing has been up on GDCTV for at least half a year, you just need to register or use bugmenot to view. It also has lionhead's impressive demonstration "The Room."
Actually, the main choice when going for a single console is whice system has the best exclusives for your tastes. Since X360 almost has no new games that are any good, its a good time to wait. PS2 and GC have some of the best games this generation coming from their first and second party...