I'v seen a video of a mage casting slow fall on him self and mounting a horse then jumping off the edge and landing in Dark shore.
Also I have before managed to jump from branch to branch all the way to the bottom.
Everyone download the song Lacrimosa by Immediate Music. Press play and watch these videos at the same time, it imporoves the awesome by a factor of 100
You can use a Dos emulator like DosBox to play some classics like Discworld 1, and 2 but its hard to get 2 running, Kings quest 5-7 and 8 if you into that kinda stuff. You can also play Day of the Tentical which is awesome. I'm thinking of...
OKey so in the server listing server it will have to search through every server to see which ones meet your criteria + the added fact that everyone will be doing it will cause slow downs so you probably be in a queue. No matter how you look at it searching through something in a list willa...
This issue is very old. Its a total system crash. Disable reboot on system crash in your windows xp options and instead you'll get blue screen of death. The blue screen of death will tell you that a Nvidia DLL caused the crash. Back when the game first came out the only fix i found for it is to...
oh ho haha ho ho haha ho ho ho
he came into this world as a muppet
look into these eyes, you'll see that they are googley
big bird in his nest and oscar in his can
ernie is a guy, that lives with another man
kermit's on the scene, you know it ain't easy bein' green but
I did it all...
A game isn't good if it doesn't have good music. The music in hl and hl2 for one.
Music in Zelda.
Music In Metroid Prime.
Music in LBA1 and LBA2.
Music in Command and Conquer series (minus Generals thats not a realy cnc game)
Music in Doom1 and 2
i can go on...
people get it though your thick heads 0.999... != 1
0.999.. approaches 1 but will never reach it. 1 is it's closed limit. It's basic calculus.
claiming otherwise is ignorance.