If/When I start balding, im taking a shaver to it all.
Just the hair on my head.
the other head.
no the one on my shoulders.
Jesus you guys are messed up in the head.
.... :O
I dont know how I would react just waking up one day in a wheelchair and being told ive been out for 10 years.
Thats like...whoah.
Sure sure, thos pictures look pretty and all.
But if you want to impress me, give me a physgun, lemme pickup that damn cop and smash his head into the car, have the car get dented and blood splatter realisticly. Then let me throw the cop through the window, with window breaking realisticly...
Meh, nothing as bad as I thought it would be.
I was expecting more of a struggle for air though, but he just was out like a light.
Oh well, definatly wasnt art. Nothing artsy about it.
Some of those in there are very moving.
"I often wish someone or something would kill me.. So I could get out of this wheelchair."
That was very touching.
Am I the only one who is personaly not splooging their pants over this game?
I really dont belive it will live up to all the hype everyone puts on it, it almost reminds me of Soldner but with slightly better graphics =/
Oh well, perhaps i'll be prooven wrong when its released.
Did anyone else almost fall out of their chair at the thought of Gordon running out of ammo for all the other guns and havving to throw a creamator head at the Combine as a weapon?
Come on, anyone?
Looks like it comming along nicely! :D
I just think it needs more details like more foliage, more objects laying around and such.
I'll play this when it comes out! :D
The clang is actually Lars beating on Vin's left testicle. Would have been the right testicle, but the sound wasn't as resonant.
Oh oh oh I see how it is.
No love for the Alix huh?
Why? Is it because i'm white? Because I spell my name differently?
Because I wear a pink leopard skin thong?