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  1. Alix Mcdean


    In my opinion. Used- IMO, creating threads like this is retarded. -Alix
  2. Alix Mcdean

    I wanna learn telekinesis

    No you didn't. /bandwagon -Alix
  3. Alix Mcdean

    SiN Episodes Screenshots

    Am I the only one who's really not that impressed by this? Meh, just doesnt tickle my fancy. The highway scene right there looks like fun tho, just to see the ragdolls fall out into the road, get run over/hit by cars. Otherwise the game just looks too...cartoony ;( -Alix
  4. Alix Mcdean

    Holy crap, this is the most awesomest thing I've ever seen.

    Did I break it?,-114.955788&spn=0.178082,0.324200&t=k&hl=en :O -Alix
  5. Alix Mcdean

    Haven't been able to poop

    That depends if you like men or women. You did call it your 'fun hole'. I'm leanin' towards the chest hair side. Either way, make sure you have a plunger handy afterwards. -Alix
  6. Alix Mcdean

    Free Munro ??

  7. Alix Mcdean

    Free Munro ??

    ............ Oh no you di'int. -Alix
  8. Alix Mcdean

    Free Munro ??

    Awww maaaaaaaan. I wanted to get in on the picture too ;( -Alix
  9. Alix Mcdean

    Alan Wake screenshots from a Finnish website

    ...Must..resist..fist..of...death. -Alix
  10. Alix Mcdean

    Happy birthday to me...

    So what do I win?! :D You're going to tell me its a free swift kick to the crotrial region of my pants, arnt you? :| This prize sucks. -Alix
  11. Alix Mcdean

    I got to stop drinking too...

    WRRRRYYYYYY? WHY?! Why did you have to bring that link up again? Right when I completely forgot all about that crap. D: -Alix
  12. Alix Mcdean

    Happy birthday to me...

    :D Happy B-day to everyone. Beers on me! ... Oh crap thats right, i'm broke. Beer's on Danimal! Happy birthday! :D -Alix
  13. Alix Mcdean

    Happy birthday to me...

    Oh crap, i'm going to get ban't arnt I? D: Life outside of my room here I come. -Alix
  14. Alix Mcdean

    Happy birthday to me...

    OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!11 :D Do I win anything for being the first to notice? :D? :| -Alix
  15. Alix Mcdean

    I got to stop drinking too...

    Was it wrong of me to have laughed my ass off through 90% of the first vid? I :D :| :D -Alix
  16. Alix Mcdean


    You sure? I use TyperA, tons of people type faster than that even. -Alix
  17. Alix Mcdean


    I'm a 10 finger guy myself. I can type on average 290-330 WPM. Everyone thinks my fingers are going to light on fire when I type infront of them. -Alix Edit: OH JESUS CHRIST THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE
  18. Alix Mcdean

    Alyx and grav gun

    How about you stop looking for attention, you ripping bastard. :) -Alix
  19. Alix Mcdean

    Headcrab, lead to Secret?

    Headcrab in movie when it spins in stairway: ROFLCOPTERRRRRRRR!!!1 :D ? :| -Alix
  20. Alix Mcdean

    If you had a headcrab on your head what would you do?

    In soviet russia, you headcrab the headcrab. Dammit, that sounded funnier in my head :( Edit: Or, what I would do- Open my mouth and get ready for some sweet sensual lovin'. -Alix