Yeah, but you aren't going to have some kid that read a C++ for dummies book exploiting that code anyway. The people that would exploit holes in the code would already have the knowledge and experience to read through this...
server fell victim to slashdotting.
whatever info might be found will be here:
i think i emailed valve about this a long time ago, and they said that leaning wasn't pre-built into hl2. However, they did say it could be modded in easily enough, just like hl1.
first one i was proud of:
that was after a quarter and a few weeks of college level compSci
(in theory, by sat. night, i'll have a much more complicated applet up, but it's only half done... MUST beat the deadline!!!!)
yeah, but, CS:CZ has already been shipped to a few places for review as well. Unless they had one hell of an NDA, and are really all screwing with us, it couldn't be CS2
E3 is TECHNICLY 18 and older only, then again, i have a picture of myself and my 15 year old brother standing right in front of it, and about 30 pictures after that of us on the show floor. \
I live in SoCal, and GDC happens to be over my spring break, so i migh make the four hour drive up to...
the car is beautiful, just purely amazing. I'd be on the waiting list if i had the money, thats for sure
how'd u even get malak in stasis field? i tried it 2 or 3 times, no go. none of my force powers ever worked on him, so i saved all my force for health regen.
game took me about 30 hours, and i took my time.
liked the game, probably wont play it again.
i used jedi's the whole way through. Once i had 3 of em, i never went back to my other players. My droids were literally never used except when absolutely necessary.
i dont wanna give away any plot "spoilers", but i'll tell ya things get alot more fun on future planets. You have to think through your technique, how you want to attack, who to attack first, what to use, etc. btw: spacebar (pause) is your best friend.
of course it's true. Obviously you guys have never been to a CD store in russia...
I'm kinda surprised it took them so long. Either that or nobody cared before now
Feath, actually, the economy has turned preety shitty since bush took office (although 9-11 certainly can take alot of the blaim for that). And unemployment is at the highest it's been since the depression. Not to mention the nationaly defecit is at an all time high as well....
i can go on...
try , they helped me when searching for my camera.
I got a canon powershot a70, because after doing my research, i figured that this was definatly the best camera in it's price range. Tons of features, 3.2 MP's, VERY nice camera...