Search results

  1. Tarkus

    Diablo 2 original CD key...

    I'm having problems registering my keys in blizzard store. I type the key, I click "add game", it recognizes the game, but when I choose my prefered language and click "add game" again it says my key is invalid.. How can that be? Other than that sorry, I can't help you pitz, I just thought...
  2. Tarkus

    Another chinese girl at work wants to me badly

    Gosh I know what you mean! Just the other day I was locking the door to my house, and my neighboor went past me and said "Hi"!! She so wants me in her pohaa
  3. Tarkus

    Vote: Photo Edit Contest XXXI

    Is it really that important to win this? I though we were doing this for fun
  4. Tarkus

    Wich type of cell phone do you have?

    I have no one to talk to however I own some kind of samsung
  5. Tarkus

    19 today! \o/

    Happez, and goodluck with the mindf*ck tomorrow!
  6. Tarkus

    Creative MP3 players suck ass

    My zen broke after almost 2 years of regular use. Now I own an Ipod Classic and am very much happy with it.
  7. Tarkus

    Age of Conan Impressions!

    Oh, ok.. So I'll ask again when they open them
  8. Tarkus

    Age of Conan Impressions!

    This was problably already asked, but does age of conan bring any kind of friend/guest key? And if so, could anyone be so kind as to give me one?
  9. Tarkus

    Miscellaneous the Second

    That's good advice Virus, thanks. This was actually the first time I was careful enough not to put myself in an irreversible situation, so I talked to this girl before I liked her enough for her to leave me with a broken heart. I'm just disapointed, and with that I can live well enough.
  10. Tarkus

    Miscellaneous the Second

    As I said before, we have the greatest time when we're together, and I can tell she likes to be with me, and that she likes to talk to me. Hell, she told me that much. The biggest flaw here is that we live far from each other and we can't be together as much as I'd like to, and maybe as she'd...
  11. Tarkus

    Miscellaneous the Second

    It's a bit late for that, but I'll see how she reacts to me next time we see eachother. All that I know right now is that going with her to another room while my family is at the dinning room is over.. Never doing that again. F*ck, I'm really disapointed. We really had potential, but f*ck it...
  12. Tarkus

    Miscellaneous the Second

    Well, the thing is that we aren't together that much time a week,but when we are we usually enjoy each others company and have a good time. But I know that she is a flirter by nature, and I also have a feeling she might have interests in other people, this is why I wouldn't let myself like her...
  13. Tarkus

    Miscellaneous the Second

    So I got rejected by another girl just now. I don't really like her, but feelings were bound to appear, so I decided it would be better to tell her about this, and she told me she didn't know what to say, which is saying alot. I swear, I f*cking give up , I actually thought there could be...
  14. Tarkus

    Stone and Drunk

    You can tell me anything. So do eet
  15. Tarkus

    Lisbon Treaty - Ireland votes on 12th of June

    I read Lisboa, I post on this thread (my city)
  16. Tarkus

    What Is The Most Messed Up Thing You Have Ever Seen?

    A cumfart. Messy and disturbing... It splatered on the camera and the chick licked it
  17. Tarkus

    Stone and Drunk

    So I'm stoned and the f*cking thread title! Give me some love! Share your thoughts on being stoned and/or drunk!
  18. Tarkus

    Photo Edit Contest XXXI

    Oh my lawl Naph, favorite one so far
  19. Tarkus

    Photo Edit Contest XXXI

  20. Tarkus

    Age of Conan Impressions!

    I can't seem to find this information anywhere so I'll just ask here. How much is the monthly fee? edit - sorry, found it, I'll wait for a free trial