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  1. tschumann

    Okay, I just need a quick point in the right direction...

    I think you'll need to make a mod and do some programming to make a weapon semi-automatic. There's MP5 source code in the Source SDK.
  2. tschumann

    Okay, I just need a quick point in the right direction...

    Yes, you can do that without making a mod (skins anyway). Yes, you'll need to do some programming to add new weapons. Is the 2009 code available? I thought the latest was still 2007. Which tutorials are you referring to?
  3. tschumann

    I need help with replacing skins in source sdk!?

    You can use VTFEdit to convert images into files that the game will recognize. To replace the skins you put them in an appropriate folder in steamapps/<user>/half-life 2/hl2/materials/models/ If you replaced the zombie skin for example, you'd put your new zombie_classic_sheet.vtf in...
  4. tschumann

    I need help with replacing skins in source sdk!?

    You don't need to do any programming to replace sounds and textures. Which game is this for?
  5. tschumann

    Half-life source config for Hammer

    Which configuration file are you trying to modify?
  6. tschumann

    Half-life source config for Hammer

    You don't edit the .fgd file. Are you following a tutorial?
  7. tschumann

    Game_hl2-2005 missing

    I don't know, but I'd try Game_Episodic-2005.sln seeing as it follows the same naming scheme.
  8. tschumann

    Game icons not appearing

    Have you tried re-creating the shortcuts?
  9. tschumann

    Game_hl2-2005 missing

    It's still there in src_mod/ep1 That's only for Source 2006 mods though, the Source 2007 projects have different file names.
  10. tschumann

    Everything is gone

    Go to entity report and try going to one of the entities to get the map back in focus.
  11. tschumann

    Game keeps crashing!

    What are your specs? Are you getting any error messages?
  12. tschumann

    Jon St. John is Doing Voiceovers for Valve

    It was a mod created by Valve, like Ricochet.
  13. tschumann

    HL2 Crashes on Vista

    Where and when is it crashing? What are your specs?
  14. tschumann

    Jon St. John is Doing Voiceovers for Valve

    What about Deathmatch Classic?
  15. tschumann

    Half-Life Changing Game Crashes

    Just launch them from My games. The Change Game option shouldn't show up in Steam.
  16. tschumann

    Reinstalled Half life 2

    I'd try contacting Steam Support.
  17. tschumann

    Reinstalled Half life 2

    Is it happening when you start Steam?
  18. tschumann

    Reinstalled Half life 2

    There's some suggestions here:
  19. tschumann

    "rainbow" coloured walls

    The graphics card is the problem. According to Steam support Intel graphics cards have problems with Source.
  20. tschumann

    Hammer undo/redo are gone

    I'd try deleting Hammer's registry keys.