All I do every five minutes in come onto these forums looking for the slightest of new info. Halflife 2 has consumed my life.
I bought a new video card, added more ram, reinstalled XP all for Halflife 2. What 1 game will make you do :D
Im almost sure I heard it from Spitcodfry (did I get that right?) and also a few others that there will be an anouncement on the 22nd. Besides, Spitcodfry was at Valve so hes the man.
I'd like to know ATI's sales # on their 9600Pro and 9800Pro lines. The marketing they've put into them, being the cards to "fully" experience Halflife 2. One of the most anticipated games to be released and ATI's name is all over it.
In some ways its almost like they are giving you no other alternative but to purchase the highend card if you want to play the game right. But then I guess not everyone thinks the same way.
I get the impression from ATI, Valve, Hardware sites, and different boards, that you won't get to experience HL2 fully unless you run a 9800Pro.
Almost like they are saying it'll run like shit until you pack a 9800pro. Anyone else sense this?
Besides the pipes that were cut out and the memory, did ATI disable any DX 9.0 features in the card?
Someone mentioned on Rage3d that they removed the f-buffer and half the shaders. does this mean HL2 will look better on the 9800 because it has these features??
Im worried now :(