umm...did you not see the part without NCQ? and cache will go to 32mb if in raid. look at this.
whos saying incorrect info? :cheese:
btw im not saying the FX-53 or x800xt-pe are bad at all. its just when you think they will be top of the line for a while your loosin it.
sorry but when you pay almost 800 bucks for a cpu thats not a overkill?
its just new technology and obviously you have accepted it when you got your...
hardly. and as usual? when has he before?
yeah they are slow now, because of terrible latency timings but they will produce way better DDR2 chips next year.
ok then more the better, that just proves more that the fx-53 will be highly dated in 2 years.
i think thats the subject we are...
soon we will have two dual core xeons on one motherboard (thats practically 4 processors), equiped with SLI cards(already coming this year), DDR2 memory (already coming this year), 16mb cache hard drives (already coming this year from seagate), 64 bit intel cpu's, faster and better optical...
i played the first one, it was pretty cool. only thing i didnt like is that you couldnt drop down to the city streets. but i hear you can in this one so ill probally check it out via GameFly :D
guinny. all you have proved is that your a fanboy, a hypocrite, and a troll. sorry mods if i sound a lil too harsh but im just stating the obvious.
give it a rest.