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  1. Diablo2k

    Is half-life 2 at par with Doom3 and farcry...graphically?

    Use search, this has been discussed like 12134141212412 times already. :sniper:
  2. Diablo2k

    doom 3 collapse

    Edit : never mind
  3. Diablo2k

    All good things come to those who wait

    But if it takes too long then people lost interest in it cause there might be other things out that are just as good or even better.
  4. Diablo2k

    Are You Mad At Valve For Lyeing About The Counter-Strike Source Preloading?

    Then they should say we release it when its done, instead of dissapointing people over and over again with not making release dates.
  5. Diablo2k

    cs source has been delayed (official)

    And where is the is the CS team part of ? Yes Valve. So who's to blame? Yes Valve. Can't believe they are still setting release dates everytime when they never make them.
  6. Diablo2k

    ATi X800 runs 30% faster than Nvidia's

    Thanks to Valve optimizing Half Life 2 for Ati cards probally.. Cause Nvidia and Ati's new generation cards almost run every game that its out with almost the same FPS. And with HL 2 its 30% difference? Yea right..
  7. Diablo2k

    Future of Gaming: Sony's Super Cell

    It has already taken over PC gaming. Much more games come out for console then for the PC.
  8. Diablo2k

    The ease of piracy & hl2

    Yea true , they wanna see how it is and how it runs before wasting money on it.
  9. Diablo2k

    "We are going to destroy Rockstar"

    3 August 2004 by Tim Green The story of the “Manhunt” murder case took another twist with the revelation that the game was present in the victim’s home, not the killer’s. Narinder Pooni, media services officer for Leicestershire Police, told MCV: “Apparently the game was found but it was in...
  10. Diablo2k

    doom 3 HL2 mod screen shot

    Says mr.lame thread starter himself.
  11. Diablo2k

    Will half life 2..

    Nah their aint, why do you think their site url is ? .de is the domainname of germany. Only their CS team is Swedish.
  12. Diablo2k

    Will half life 2..

    And dont forget the timezones. Means euro s would have to play in the middle of the night for them.
  13. Diablo2k

    Sniper rifle.

    Shouldn't be too slow, else it will become a camp2win game :frown:
  14. Diablo2k

    Will half life 2..

    Not only team games are on the CPL, also 1 on 1 dm. Like painkiller, and many years ago Quake 3.
  15. Diablo2k

    if you built a robot... Check out the car movie
  16. Diablo2k

    Once HL2 is released....

    Depends what kind of MP Half Life 2 has.
  17. Diablo2k

    HL2 does have MP...

    Even if HL 2 does have its own mp the Manipulator most likely won't be in it. Check this email.
  18. Diablo2k

    Half-Life Multiplayer (Not CS:S)

    Don't count on the manipulator to be included in HL 2 mp anyways (if it has mp). In this email Yahn states its very hard to make it work in mp.
  19. Diablo2k

    Half-Life Multiplayer (Not CS:S)

    Don' read them if you think they suck :rolleyes: , there is no sign saying Rupertvdb READ THIS TOPIC..
  20. Diablo2k

    Half-Life Multiplayer (Not CS:S)

    We already knew that... DOD source and TFC source too :hmph: