if you built a robot...


Jul 11, 2003
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what would you do differently then others (In sci fi).

first, I'd put the main "brain" of the robot in the things FEET. they always put them in the robots head, which is ALWAYS the first thing a person shoots at...
I would mek him so he hiz into hole. :)

like a cord. and then he control it.
"robot" is soooo ...1950's

I prefer cybernetic automaton
I'd give the robot a bandoleer like Pancho Villa. And I'd program him to smoke cigarettes. Cigarettes kinda suck, but when a robot smokes them they're just cool.
I think it would be kinda stupid to put the "brain" in the feet. It should be in the torso area hidden under strong metal or whatever. :cheers:
If I built a robot I'd make it a lookalike of me. Sort of like on Terminator except I'd make it look like me instead of Arnold. I'd program it so it does all my dirty work and I'd make it go to work and do shit for me, it'd be my ROBOT CLONE SLAVE! BAHAHA!

And if any punks try to pick a fight with me, I'll just call my robot and screw that bitch up!
I think I would do the same as FoB.

I'd have one that looked like me to do anything that I didn't feel like and then I would ahve some tohers to go out and make money for me :) Oh and I would make it impossible for them to go mad, kill me and the rest of humanity.
I would make a Lindsey Lohan sexbot minus the mguns on the boobies.
Yeah, the main purpose would be physical on my robot, too. But wait... no brain but great body... there are enough of that out there...
Since when do h*****s have great bodies...? ;)

But maybe you're just talking about expensive girlfriends... ROBBER :p
I'd program it for pleasure and pimp it in fancy neighborhoods.
I'd have his "brain" backed up in like 1000 different places in his "body" in case someone got the idea of shooting his head off. I'd like to have them work as seperate entities when broken up, too, in order to reassemble itself.

It'd be like 90 feet tall, with an iron claw for crushing puny humans. No other weapons, just the claw. It'd also have cameras all over it's body, so no angle was obscured and vunerable to some sort of last minute hero.

A hero will always manage to take it down...the way to solve that little problem is to kill the hero while pretending to explain your plans to them.
I would make 1 nanobot and let him replicate until there are trillions and simply let them loose to take over the world without anyone even knowing they are being invaded until its too late.
Heh, what about the grey goo theory (which apparently can't happen but everyone is scared of because 'scientists' say it will happen...I don't know eh)
I wouldn't want to "take over the world". I would use the nanobots to terraform mars into my own paradise.
Mine would be capable of world domination.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Heh, what about the grey goo theory (which apparently can't happen but everyone is scared of because 'scientists' say it will happen...I don't know eh)
I wouldn't want to "take over the world". I would use the nanobots to terraform mars into my own paradise.
hmmm... I guess you could do that, but I would still rather take over the world first and stop all the silly conflicts and stereotypes that run rampant world wide.

Hopefully power won't corrupt me too much. :rolling:
heres my design for a robot- i did it in like 2 minutes on ms paint (its a REALLY quick doodle), but basicly mine would be in the shape of a human, but the head area would have nothing important in it. instead i would use deformed rubber to create a mask, that was super evil- machine zombie hybrid lookihg!!! if that didnt scare the f*ck out of my enemies i dont know what would!

All the main mechanics are in its chest, protected by super high quality armour all around. the rest of the body is "expendable", but splatters a mixture of red and white goo when the skin is penetrated, so that my enemies would scream WHAT THE F*CK!!! and run off.

i mean, what would make you more scared? an agile, evil, scary looking, blood splattering, INSANE killing machine, or a big hunk of metal? its all about scare tactics!!!

tell me what you think!
A2597 said:
what would you do differently then others (In sci fi).

first, I'd put the main "brain" of the robot in the things FEET. they always put them in the robots head, which is ALWAYS the first thing a person shoots at...

I'd use Asimov's three laws of robotics.

Little dancing show robots that include the following accessories:

-1x M-Monocle
-1x M-Ivory Inlay Cane
-1x M-Showman Top Hat

Run with Microsoft© MONOCLE OS
I always thought those things were for granted when dealing with robots

LAW 1: The showbot must entertain
LAW 2: The showbot must not destroy the earth
LAW 3: The showbot must not pop it's monocle in disobeyance with the 1'st and 2'nd law
Suicide42 said:
heres my design for a robot...

...tell me what you think!

Behold! Streaker robot 2000!

Sorry, but it looks like its trying to flash us or something :p

Cybernoid said:
I'd use Asimov's three laws of robotics.

Fool! Do you know know the story to I, Robot? :O
Farrowlesparrow said:
Behold! Streaker robot 2000!

Sorry, but it looks like its trying to flash us or something :p

Fool! Do you know know the story to I, Robot? :O


3 laws safe my internet.
Asimov wrote the original I, Robot book, but that's completely different to the movie.

The book is mostly concerned with mysteries, problems and challenges surrounding the development of robot psychology, from robots that are psychologically unable to move around without a human rider on their backs, to a robot that somehow gains the ability to read minds. There's even a rather amusing robot that gets religion, starts worshipping a power generator, and starts a robot cult (that actually turns out to be somewhat useful).

I've actually got a robot design for a story I've been writing for some time, somewhere... I'll see if I can find him and post him...
nw909 said:

3 laws safe my internet.

Sunny was the only NS5 not programmed with the three laws of robotics, though.
Ahh, here he is. Glitch the robot, as well as his "dad", Rom.

A self aware, free being, Glitch is studying and working in the field closest to his hea... err... fuel pump, vetinary science (mostly the surgical side). Robots regard life as being one of the most valuable things (well, they do in my book's storyline, anyway), and, well, Glitch loves kittycats and bunny rabbits...

He keeps his brain in his chest (indeed, he finds it amazing that nature has failed to place the brains of human beings in the same position), his head being full of complex visual and spatial computation equipment (it takes a lot to control four arms accurately enough to gain a "Grade A Surgeon" rating in 2045...), as well as an auxillary data store for surgical and anatomical information. Like most robots in the 2040s, he is mostly self-designed to fit his chosen taks...

His "father"*, Rom, is an old military bot currently pursuing a line of work as a landscape gardener (Imagine the size of the wheelbarrow that a ten-foot tall ex-heavy weapons bot can push...). He keeps his brain in his chest, too, though it's no longer protected by the 1 1/2 inch-thick ceramic armour plate he used to have bolted on there...

*"Father" in the sense that Glitch's brain pattern arises from a simplification and fusion of two other patterns, Rom's and Glitch's mother, who I haven't named yet :p.
My robot would steal kids and bring them back to my gingerbread house.
I would build a Dalek!

Finally, someone with taste.

Giant big stomping power-suits are much cooler than robots! So I'd make one of them.
Can't be arsed to describe it so i'll just make a drawing of my dream robot and scan it later...