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  1. gFrohman

    Babylon 5

    I agree. Bester was by far one of my most favorite characters; such a complex and interesting scumbag.
  2. gFrohman

    last night was ****ing miserable was with your mom. But seriously now, yeah I was bored last night too and abandoned me. I was lost & confused.
  3. gFrohman

    New Renders

    Very nice; I especially <3 the nighttime one.
  4. gFrohman

    last night was ****ing miserable

    Tee hee... If you hold your farts in too much, you will have spontaneous combustion.
  5. gFrohman

    I found this "Still Alive".

    Don't worry about the key (whenever I write out jazz lead sheets, I tend to do it the old-fashioned way of writing the key on the first line only, then I'm too lazy to write it on every line afterward). I'll take a look at your lead sheet; I've actually been thinking of transcribing this song...
  6. gFrohman

    The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

    Duke Ellington - When You're Smiling (The Whole World Smiles With You) :) :) :)
  7. gFrohman

    I found this "Still Alive".

    Awesome - it probably wouldn't be hard to make a lead sheet out of that (I think it's a fairly simple progression in Dmaj, with the occasional bVI here & there).
  8. gFrohman

    EP3 on Xbox360

    I doubt it would be that long. But pooping your pants is fun.
  9. gFrohman

    Do i have asthma?

    Sounds more like sleep apnea.
  10. gFrohman

    EP3 on Xbox360

    Extras would be sweet. I've got the feeling that compared to the previous episodes, it will be longer & bigger. And that is what she said. :naughty:
  11. gFrohman

    EP3 on Xbox360

    I think it would most definitely be on disc. I would LMAO (though I doubt this would happen) if EP3 got packaged in with L4D2 (take that you n00b boycotters).
  12. gFrohman

    Half Life 2 Episode 3 could be on hold until 2010

    Well, yeah if Valve did the VO already, it doesn't matter (again, unless they are planning to record new dialogue that they just wrote). A Broadway tour is a lot of work - you're talking weeks of tours, each week you perform for five days (when Spamalot came to the midwest, they played...
  13. gFrohman

    WOW Player Goes Nuts.. NSFW

    Yeah, it's probably fake, but I've seen some real serious temper tantrums that come very close to this. WTF is up with the kid trying to shove the remote up his ass...
  14. gFrohman

    Are healthier foods less expensive in other nations?

    Oh lord no, they don't take all year to grow, lol. Tomatoes only take maybe a couple weeks or so to get going, depends on the type (cherry tomatoes grow faster, at least for me they do). I meant that you can grow tomatoes all year round, so you don't have to worry about no tomatoes for the...
  15. gFrohman

    Are healthier foods less expensive in other nations?

    I'll get a fairly good amount of tomatoes (normally I'll have extras, actually). Depending on the type of tomato plant I'm growing (cherry vs. heirlooms vs. etc), I can have a lot for a week or so. And tomatoes can grow all year (I keep the plants inside for the winter). Strawberries are harder...
  16. gFrohman

    Are healthier foods less expensive in other nations?

    Very true. Some fruits & veggies are expensive at times because they're out of season (that's why it's a pain in the ass getting fresh cheap avocados in the midwest). TBH, I've gone to trying to grow certain fruits & veggies myself, and not only is it cheaper IMO, but the food tastes so much...
  17. gFrohman

    Ouija Boards

  18. gFrohman


    ^This. What a Doucher McDouchface.
  19. gFrohman

    Are healthier foods less expensive in other nations?

    I agree; I can't eat 'em.
  20. gFrohman

    Are healthier foods less expensive in other nations?

    It's cold-hearted Capitalism at work: health food has become a popular craze (a good one though), so the demand for organic, natural, healthy food is high. When the demand is high, prices go up. Though there are healthy foods that aren't too expensive; the stuff that has to be imported is...