What, it's true...nazis were indoctrinated since birth to think jews as sub human.
Never said their actions were excused because of this. It's just that it's more understandable.
If they cut him or not is irrelevant, he got treated really badly.
I mean, what goes trough these peoples minds when doing that? I might understand nazis being assholes to jews, but...this?!
If they are possessed we could just burn the whole place and let god sort 'em out, just like in the good old days.
It's really unbelievable what people do, based on an ancient made up fairytale.
Oh lol... :D
God damn it you guys, what the hell did you think i mean? comparing new games with kitchen ovens??? Of course it's compared to old games, geez.
Recently i've been playing games on WinUAE nad the game supercars 2 gave me more entertainment than any modern racing game i've played.
Nowadays only arcade/action games might be better compared to older games
(not necessarily a representative comparison, but the point is comparing games in the same category->old game vs new one)
Arcade: Teenage mutant ninja turtles vs. Bayonetta (hmm tough one)
Lol, even i can't believe it.
Obviously not in a row. I've watched it since it came out 4 times.
The first 2 times was quite thrilling, the third was kinda normal, the fourth was because i just replayed doom 3 again.
Ok i agree that it's not the best movie out there, but hey...it's sci-fi...
Very good explanation!
The primal instinct to kill is in everyone, games just make it more user friendly.
Just look at different playing styles of people:
-People who usually play less aggressively, try to avoid mass confrontation (snipers)
-People who like to fight in packs (the machine gun...
What if the whole universe is just a reality show for a transcendent race and we all do shit that seems important to us but to them is just like a bad episode of Dr. Phil
Think of it!?