PlayStation Move - first pics of their motion-controller dildo


Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score


Comes out this Autumn.

That shit with the bow and arrow was hardcore. They better bundle that tech demo with every Move controller, or I ain't buying.
''Here you are love, I bought you a vibrating dil..wait a minute, I didnt know Sony made these. You dont have a Playstation 3 do you dear? Says you cant use it without one''.
Whew, was about to go on a rant again before I clicked the spoiler.
"How do we distinguish it from the Wii?"
"Make it black."
Man, that thing looks like a DIL-DO. I ain't playing no games with no dildo.

PEE ESS Triple has no
shove it up your ass games
How is that a dildo?

It looks like one of those grey massage vibrators they use in Japanese porn all the time.



We're so close to getting the first decent Die by the Sword/Mount & Blade/Dark Messiah type game. If nothing else Resort shows us how well controlling a melee weapon in first person can be done and for this reason alone we should embrace motion control!
is it just me or ps3 era is really lame? sony was the king back in ps2/psx era, what the **** is this stupid shit?
The PS3 is terrific. This bandwagon motion-control is just annoying imho. They simply don't need it to have hugely awesome and successful games. Same goes for the 360 and Natal. Lame. All of it.

That said, Wii Motion Plus is awesome. The big 2 should just leave this motion crap to the pros (Reggie and his crew).
just think of the crazy trophy names that they'll come out with
Just the thing anal beads were always missing... a controller attached to one end.
First dildo, now anal beads?

You people fail at sex toys!
The ball is on a string and attached to the cup.

The ball is on a string and attached to the cup, so there's no worry if you don't catch the ball in the cup, and clean-up is as easy as catching a ball in a cup!
For a minute I thought I was in the image dump, and I was trying to find something funny/weird/cool about that image of two guys messing with swords... Then I read your text and was like holy shit, that's pretty cool.
Wat? That's their offices or whatever, they're not in a virtual game environment. Just the swords.

Unless you were making a joke or something.
It DOES look like a complete replica of cs_office
The lighting kinda makes it look similar, but that really doesn't seem any different than any office out there.
cs_office has a larger table, plus the projector/meeting room is dark.
I didn't think they were talking about the projector room... I thought of that little side room near that block of cubicles that you enter through breaking the windows.
Well Sony is trying to compete with Wii with the casual market, cant blame them Nintendo basically just got the license to print money.

The nifty stick Nintendo made wasn't the only thing that made them 1st place it was pricing.

But still nifty piece of technology, nobody these days can be original but at least you can be a little bit different and improve on what was already offered.
According to Nintendo executives. "Nintendo innovates, Sony copies".
Yes, but that can be applied to any industry-leading firms in electronics. It's just the way business works.

Apple innovates, Google copies.
Amazon innovates, Barnes & Noble copies.

Usually, but in this case Nintendo innovate, the rest of the world copy. They gave us the joypad, introduced shoulder buttons, trigger buttons, four face buttons, analogue control and rumble - all of which became the standard. They're doing the same with motion control and touch screen now. Even when they balls up - Virtual Boy - it's in attempting something new. Did you know the original Famicom controller had a microphone in it?

Nintendo have affected how we play video games today more than any other developer, and by a massive margin.

I'm not crazy for mmos, but want multiplayer with this type of game. RPGs need a party and when i'm taking down a huge dragon I want my mates close by!
A lot of what Nintendo does is rehashing some of their ideas from the 80s


DS mic-famicom controller mic

They do throw a lot of shit at the wall though, some sticks

Improvements in technology and making the whole system based around this feature is why the wii is doing so well

Oh and a lot of these innovations would have come around in spite of them if they didnt bring them first, four button face is practical and they researched comfort in the hand. You dont see me crediting Sony with cd medium games or interchangeable memory, it just happens to go like that