Everyone always says that, i have a very large vocabulary and i swear. I know people who have even bigger vocabularys and they swear more than me. Its not because of lack of vocabulary its just another way of expressing anger or what you think about "x"
I dont think we need to unblock the f...
Dang cliffe obeying the forum rules, this was posted 2 hours ago and it has like 50 views
I wish he posted it in the general hl2, than this would be 9 pages of people saying "OMFG DE PRODIGUY!!"
because i knew you had recently been banned and usually people who get banned get in a pissy fit and make a new name to spam. you were just the first name that came to mind
sorry for ruining your great reputation
I loved super metroid and metroid fusion (gba) and i know prime is an AMAZING game but i wasnt all for it
I want nintendo to do another side scroller, but on the gba, we dont need the gc for that
I think that 3d sidescrollers are pretty ugly, like contra and those classics that were 3deeed
Remember when everyone would say "holy crap! although valve of vu hassn't said anything EB says it will be out in april!!!"
Im 89% sure that it's just a ESTIMATE like the hl2 dates were