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  1. Jesus Lincoln

    {_-[half-life 2]-_}

    We already have these threads, they are in the main forum and they say official in the title :P
  2. Jesus Lincoln

    Master Chief pwned by Gordon

    Haha, owning halo in the
  3. Jesus Lincoln

    Who thinks HL3 will start on a train ride?

    I think it wont start on a train, but still in the nowhere with nothing
  4. Jesus Lincoln

    Level Oriented Tips and Techniques

    Go into the secret vent room (with rl and fan) take a shovel, cinder block, wooden pole, or whatever is near and block the fan like you did in SP, camp at the other side of the vent and 357/rl camp. You have HP and suit juice behind you
  5. Jesus Lincoln

    Half-life 2 At E3

    Dont bring up old threads
  6. Jesus Lincoln

    OK! you got give a guy a clue!

    You suck at english
  7. Jesus Lincoln

    Half Life Ending

    Because its a trilogy, they need to wrap up a LOT of things that were left unsaid in hl2 and 1. Do you think they are going to kill barney, eli, kliner, alyx, and lamarr? Why do you tjonl the flood made a comeback in halo2? They are all too big in the story to just all get killed like that...
  8. Jesus Lincoln

    Vote for HL:2 at Now!

    Spike video game awards show sucks ass, didnt they give the goty to madden last year?
  9. Jesus Lincoln

    hl 2 speed run

    marshmellow, are you doing another run, i put 3 small suggestions in your thread
  10. Jesus Lincoln

    Funny easter egg =P

    Hahahaha thats really funny, i played that part 4 times and it always says "Tell him i said *CRASH* you" Shut up flamers
  11. Jesus Lincoln


    Can someone set up a server? I REALLY want to build something with someone
  12. Jesus Lincoln

    Could this be the first flashbang kill? - Warning 56k

    Thats not new, i did it in beta
  13. Jesus Lincoln

    Possible Easter Egg?

    Sounds like code for the 4th test
  14. Jesus Lincoln

    Demo modes missing?

    type cvarlist in console
  15. Jesus Lincoln

    G4techtv HL2 review

    Nothing special, but its there 5/5 stars
  16. Jesus Lincoln


    Its caused by alttabbing at certian times, reloading or alttabing out and in should fix it
  17. Jesus Lincoln

    Best catches

    Expert Grav gun users know that other user's shots are useless if you know how to catch What is your record dualing with another good guy passing it back and forth trying to kill I would say 6 for me
  18. Jesus Lincoln


    I just played for a few hours JUST with GGUn, and i really got it down I have a great way to bunny hop, you keep jumping and sprint when you hit the ground, and take it off while youre in the air, and all these crasy leftright movemants. I did pretty well, i think my favorite item in lockout...
  19. Jesus Lincoln

    The Surprise Is Here!!

    You can grab the energy balls from the overwatch with your GGUn