i saw the gman, and i havent seen this pic anywhere before, it was in the mud skipper part. there was a billboard hanging down from a ruined building, but it kept on flashing wierd ruined images of the dr guy :P a couple of times u see a guy on a red background for a split second and i took...
lol, screw expansion packs. what u want is MODs. althought it would be cool if valve could release other single player missions such as u play as dog or alyx, and have to do everything in paralel to the story with gordon
i agree with shinra, although i myself dont have very many posts. its ok if there are a lot of new people, but if all they do is talk shit then it turns into a large, and very annoying, problem....
ps. i HAVE been registered for a hwile though :P
definitely dm battles involving both gravity guns :D that would pwn too much. also, every character playable, combines, breen, citizens, alyx, gordon, kleiner, stalkers, combine elite etc etc etc
striders do impale people, but it is rarely seen, also they still have the uber cannon, which u experience on the rooftop before u meet barney and dog again. all i noticed of it was my screen going blue and me losing a lot of health though :P i was usually running away