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  1. Idolon

    The Riddle Thread

    Oh good, you solved it. Now I can go to bed. :E GN... zZzZ
  2. Idolon

    The Riddle Thread

    Well I can't possibly know that the answer is right unless the riddler says so, now can I? My turn: I make you weak at the worst of all times, but in the end I keep you safe. You'll sweat in my presence even as you grow cold. I dwell with the weak, rarely the brave, but without me, who...
  3. Idolon

    "Pay-per-play" games: your thoughts

    I beta tested eve. It was good fun and free. I have also signed up for dragon empires beta. I hope I get invited soon. :) And I usually take those play free for a week chances. But I would probably never pay for playing. Well... maybe some day.
  4. Idolon

    The Riddle Thread

    I want to hear the solution to Bad^Hat's riddle first.
  5. Idolon

    Word Association Football

  6. Idolon

    infinium phantom
  7. Idolon

    Word Association Football

    super model
  8. Idolon

    The Riddle Thread

    Now atleast this has to be a homing pigeon. :)
  9. Idolon

    Word Association Football

  10. Idolon

    The Riddle Thread

    The answer is a splinter. But lambda^2's answer was good enough. It's practically the same thing. And I think it's time for a new riddle.
  11. Idolon

    The Riddle Thread

    nope, wrong. It's easier than that. - ZzZZzzZz
  12. Idolon

    Word Association Football

  13. Idolon

    "Pay-per-play" games: your thoughts

    Ultima X looks nice. have a look. But I don't play on-line games. I'm just a poor student after all. Couldn't afford it.
  14. Idolon

    Pussy Shot!

    Looks nice.
  15. Idolon

    The Riddle Thread

    nope, wrong.
  16. Idolon

    "Pay-per-play" games: your thoughts

    I remember reading about a game like that. Wasn't it called Majestic or something. Maybe that was something else...
  17. Idolon

    The Riddle Thread

    It was in the wood that I got it, so I sat down to seek it. I could not find it no matter how hard I looked, and so I took it home with me.
  18. Idolon

    The Riddle Thread

    You forgot to bold it... :p Anyway... a shadow
  19. Idolon

    To the oldbies...

    First press this button under one of your posts: Then check the address field of the window that pops up. There is a number right in the end of it. Thats your member number. Easy enough? :) Edit: I think that my way is easier than Murray_H's. :p
  20. Idolon

    To the oldbies...

    I'm member 427. Thats pretty low. I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this but you can check you member number by pressing the profile button and then checking the URL of the page that comes up. This was my first post/thread!