To the oldbies...


May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Everyone is gone. The Mullinator has gone missing, that is one of the names that pop off the top of my head. (Or maybe it was the avatar the baby giving me the finger?) So many that use to post here don't post anymore.

I surely do miss the lot that are gone.;(
yeah same... Dave isn't posting much here anymore... Sidewinder will be back soon tho :)... The Mullinator is AWOL.... I miss that guy... who else has gone ?

I havent seen Evil in a while, or am I just blind? :O
wow, mitoboy, you're older than i thought (you're member #58 and i'm #56).

I remember a lot of the REAL old guys, who posted only for a few weeks as the forum opened. I remember FAWN, GhostRyder, iancheshire, Muta... they're gone. ;(
Originally posted by Dux
I havent seen Evil in a while, or am I just blind? :O

You are just blind, he isnt posting much in off-topic, thats all, he posts quite much in the media forums.
neitzsche(sp) doesnt post here much either, he is still on the IRC channel sometimes though
/me waves to everyone in the distance shouting "THE MULLINATOR HAS RETURNED!!!!!"

Looks like I came back just in time. I didn't have an internet connection for awhile, then the blackout hit in the US and Canada, then I went on vacation again, i missed posting here and I probably missed a hell of alot of news, im sorry I was away for so long. Hopefully it won't happen again.

I missed you guys. ;(
Awww. Welcome back. I wondered where you had gone.

I was thinking the other day...where will we all be in a few years time? Will we all still be posting on this forum? I probably will because I'm a mod, but if all the oldies leave, who will i have? Maybe MrBadger if he doesn't leave. But who is going to stay? What if Munro leaves? Will the top level staff go with him? What about 5 years down the line. Where will this forum be? Will it even exist?
I think these forums will be alive for at least 2 years after HL2 is released, they will however be slowly dying away, then HL3 will come and these forums will be brought back to their glory days. After that it will be up to Valve and the mod community to keep this site going.
Originally posted by nw909
Im no oldbie, im #1883

You may become an oldbie anyway, 4000 members is not that many considering how many HL fans there are in the world. Alot more will probably join once the game is released and being #1883 may end up being considered a low number.
Im the biggest newbie in the off-topic forums right now ;(;(

EDIT: Im one of the few here that are registered in Jul 2003 ;(;(
Originally posted by Login_Here
Im the biggest newbie in the off-topic forums right now ;(;(

EDIT: Im one of the few here that are registered in Jul 2003 ;(;(

I did :(
Originally posted by SpuD
neitzsche(sp) doesnt post here much either, he is still on the IRC channel sometimes though
Yea, where is he?

Dammit, eveyone's leaving ;( ;( ;( ;(
Mullinator! Your back!

"From this day to the ending of the forums,
... we in it shall be remembered
... we band of oldbies."
-Henery V
William Shakespeare

-Changed by Mitoboy

I don't know what will happen.
Eventually it will just be the staff here... surrounded by newbies ;(

Don't go..... ;(

what member number am I?
I wont leave until you and Farrow leaves.
And, how do you check your member number?
Well, look up your name in the members list... then count how many people are behind you! :p

Oh, and I'll be here. I will be helping people get past parts of the game they are stuck on.

I like my new signature. It shows meaning this time.
I wonder what member no# I am.

True, I don't post as much as I used to, but thats mainly due to summer and having less time to hang on forums etc.
Until mrBadger, Farrow and the rest of the Off-Topic Regulars leaves you will not get rid off me. :p:p
Oh ah, I feel old too. Well, what do you know. My first topic was something about Combine having gas masks. I forgot.
Hmm, my first topic was (I think) debunking somebody's theory that City 17 is on the opposite side of the earth from Black Mesa. LOL
I think my first post was a complete guide on how to defeat the end boss to half-life. (I know his name; it's just too hard to spell correctly.)

This is like now turned into the third 'reminiscing' topic.
Heh, geez i dont remember my first post. I had a different account back then tho, then i changed to this one cause the other wasnt capitalized, go search for my other account, should be fun!!! no not really.
edit: heh jus counted for a while, im #1126 woo hoo. well that was my old account, but it still counts.
I'm member 427.
Thats pretty low.

I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this but you can check you member number by pressing the profile button and then checking the URL of the page that comes up.

This was my first post/thread!
Member number 93 here :)

I think my first post was in a thread about converting HL into beautiful source'ness
OK so could you explain that again. I don't know how to check what number member i am. I'm pretty sure its quite high though :eek:
Go to members, list by date joined, then go the last page and count the names until you reach yours.
First press this button under one of your posts:

Then check the address field of the window that pops up.
There is a number right in the end of it.
Thats your member number.

Easy enough? :)

Edit: I think that my way is easier than Murray_H's. :p
Well i put my counting skills to the test ;)

lol my skills arent any good - member 94
Oh right..Ok i get ya now.

Member number 624 :)

I did try counting, didnt take to long and i got it right :)